This reference implementation is based on Cloud Adoption Framework for Azure and provides an opinionated implementation that enables ITSG-33 regulatory compliance by using NIST SP 800-53 Rev. 4 and Canada Federal PBMM Regulatory Compliance Policy Sets.
- 2
Disable Auto Provisioning of LAW agents on VMs
#407 opened by jvescio-ssc - 0
Remove Old Log Analytics Solution from deployment
#411 opened by Vallentyne - 0
Typo in /roles/la-vminsights-readonly-bicep
#404 opened by DarrylRomano - 1
- 8
RFC 6598
#391 opened by davidmonk-cbts - 1
DNS Private Resolver deployment in hub
#400 opened by Vallentyne - 1
- 1
GitHub Action workflows breaks with the transition to a read-only GITHUB_TOKEN
#397 opened by aporodnov - 7
Machine Learning archetype deployments failing (x4)
#382 opened by skeeler - 2
- 1
replace json(null) with null in bastion.bicep
#394 opened by alenat10 - 0
- 4
Disable BGP Route Propagation to Spokes
#368 opened by Jamalzkr - 4
Support for Azure Monitor Agent
#325 opened by skeeler - 1
Include VERBOSE output in New-AlzDeployment.ps1 when/where Run-Workflows.ps1 is invoked
#381 opened by skeeler - 1
- 1
GitHub Actions with RunWorkflows.ps1 does not work after Az module new version release
#392 opened by aporodnov - 2
Enable and configure the compliance over time workbook in Defender for Cloud
#370 opened by Vallentyne - 2
Non-Compliant policies / Subnets should be associated with a Network Security Group
#373 opened by leslieRD - 1
- 1
EventGrid/EventSubscription not supported for Diagnostics Settings to Log Analytics
#386 opened by CldEng-DT - 0
PrivateLink DNS Registration - MySQL Flexible Server
#387 opened by tredell - 1
- 6
alz-05 (machinelearning-1) deployment fails
#380 opened by skeeler - 1
- 1
Scripts to generate CanadaPubSecALZ configuration files using existing environments as template
#377 opened by skeeler - 1
- 0
Fix subscription filtering bug in deployment scripts
#375 opened by skeeler - 0
Fix path normalization bug in deployment scripts
#374 opened by skeeler - 1
Update ML Archetype with latest AML features
#355 opened by lenisha - 1
Update ML Archetype with no PublicIP for ADB
#356 opened by lenisha - 1
Make AppService and SQL MI optional in ML Archetype
#357 opened by lenisha - 1
CloudQuery Policies?
#352 opened by yevgenypats - 1
Error running logging pipeline
#366 opened by ashley-kainos - 0
Deploy DDoS Policy Assignment fails
#364 opened by tredell - 0
- 0
identityPathFromRoot missing from common.yml file
#361 opened by tredell - 1
Enable "brownfield" DNS policy deployments
#347 opened by Vallentyne - 0
Add Identity Landing Zone
#348 opened by tredell - 0
Consistency Check Fails & build Errors
#353 opened by tredell - 1
platform-logging-ci job fails - SETTING 'var-parentManagementGroupId' and 'var-topLevelManagementGroupName' variables
#349 opened by CldEng-DT - 1
Bastion broke with coming from ON-prem
#340 opened by igomaa - 3
- 0
EventHub - Add missing log categories
#338 opened by SenthuranSivananthan - 0
Diagnostic Settings conflict for Network Security Groups with HIPAA/HITRUST policy set is used
#336 opened by SenthuranSivananthan - 0
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- 0
- 0
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