The Azure API Management landing zone accelerator provides an architectural approach and reference implementation to prepare landing zone subscriptions for a secure API Management infrastructure.
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[New Feature] APIM deployment scenario for general LLMs deployed in Azure AI Studio
#139 opened by sushaanttb - 0
[New Feature] APIM as a multi-tenant GenAI gateway
#142 opened by sushaanttb - 1
Connectivity to APIM after deployment of apim-baseline scenario not working
#141 opened by thomassantosh - 1
Deployments fail in australia regions with error: The provided deployment name exceeds the maximum length
#138 opened by mikejonestechno - 1
GenAI Scenario Deployment Broken
#132 opened by samaea - 0
jq: command not found
#137 opened by yanivvak - 3
Network Considerations Lacking
#83 opened by liamfoneill - 0
Ability to bring own networking components
#136 opened by seenu433 - 0
multi regions landing zone
#135 opened by thomas-tran - 0
Load Balancing link broken in docs
#131 opened by shankar-r10n - 1
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Private DNS zone creates zone, which causes authorizations to break
#86 opened by jftl6y - 0
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Option to deploy all resource in single resource group with SP having contributor access to resource group level
#124 opened by pkt1583 - 0
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reference keyvault instead of PFX in Terraform
#32 opened by cykreng - 5
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create depends on folder with PFX generation
#33 opened by cykreng - 1
reference keyvault instead of PFX in Bicep
#31 opened by cykreng - 1
Change the git urls in user guide
#28 opened by cykreng - 2
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remove cert from source control after testing
#48 opened by cykreng - 0
Add GenAI related scenarios to the accelerator.
#107 opened by prasann - 0
Add OpenAI Endpoints for the GenAI Workload
#108 opened by prasann - 1
Potential cost estimate
#26 opened by cykreng - 2
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Pipeline warnings and secure parameters
#77 opened by briggsb9 - 0
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Missing files under "Deploy the Backend" section
#64 opened by xuhongl - 0
Bicep Deployment Failed after running an hour - System.Management.Automation.ParameterBindingException: Missing an argument for parameter 'certificateName'.
#65 opened by xuhongl - 0
APIOps Integration
#62 opened by cykreng - 0
DevOps for TF
#63 opened by cykreng - 1
Evaluating adherence to APIM security baseline
#21 opened by cykreng - 2
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private endpoint for functions
#14 opened by cykreng - 0
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DevOps pipeline for function deployment
#52 opened by cykreng - 2
NSG rules to be reviewed and adjusted on each NSG
#16 opened by cykreng - 0
Include information for ARM validation
#45 opened by cykreng - 0
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Do we need pipelines/GitHub/apim-eslz.yml ? if so need to update the repository.
#30 opened by cykreng - 0
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Provide alternative for ADO
#24 opened by cykreng - 0
ADO dependency
#25 opened by cykreng - 0
Consider including all assets in the repo
#23 opened by cykreng - 0
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Added appropriate tags on the resources
#17 opened by cykreng - 0
zero-trust scenario
#15 opened by cykreng