The Azure API Management landing zone accelerator provides an architectural approach and reference implementation to prepare landing zone subscriptions for a secure API Management infrastructure.
- denlai-mshk
- lukemurraynzHamilton, New Zealand
- swilkodevMelbourne, Australia
- NomadicCheeseHerder
- MSFonti
- heblasco
- tdiPoznań, Poland
- sordonezr
- JDetmar
- chrismckeltPerth
- petermustowMelbourne, Australia
- JustreblStrasbourg
- lenishaToronto, ON
- MaxLaurieHutchinsonLondon
- jeanthinkinterweb cloud clusters
- Nicholas-BatteAmsterdam, Netherlands
- drheliusMadrid, Spain
- pradeepnair74UAE
- manojsingh
- clarencebMelbourne, Australia
- mariog2000
- edincBerlin
- InfoSphereTechnology
- looeeLondon
- aristosvo
- ddyer-Prodigy
- jonathanbragaLisbon - Portugal
- posey-k
- isakaAmsterdam, The Netherlands
- JinLee794Chicago
- matsestDrammen, Norway
- dpvreonyUK
- RNetWorkS
- reidavParis
- santiagocardin-lumenSpain
- anarchitect