Sync expection into async implementation
Cavalletta98 opened this issue · 4 comments
Hi, i'm developing an async code to retrieve the twin desired patch. if i try to access to a field that is not present in the twin, i get this expection
Exception caught in background thread. Unable to handle. ['azure.iot.device.iothub.sync_handler_manager.HandlerManagerException: HANDLER (CLIENT_EVENT)
I want to know if it is a bug that a sync expection is raised and how to handle it
This is expected - it's just an artifact of where the exception is defined.
As far as how to handle it, background exceptions can be accessed via the on_background_exception
handler property on the client. Set a function that takes one argument (the exception object), and it will be returned through that callback/handler.
Ho @cartertinney thanks for the response. Can you please provide and example code?
Here is a modified receive_message
sample. It's for async, but the principle applies whichever client you are using - you just define a handler and set it, similar to how receiving a message works.
import os
import asyncio
from azure.iot.device.aio import IoTHubDeviceClient
async def main():
# The connection string for a device should never be stored in code. For the sake of simplicity we're using an environment variable here.
# The client object is used to interact with your Azure IoT hub.
device_client = IoTHubDeviceClient.create_from_connection_string(conn_str)
# connect the client.
await device_client.connect()
# define behavior for receiving a message
# NOTE: this could be a function or a coroutine
def message_received_handler(message):
print("the data in the message received was ")
print("custom properties are")
print("content Type: {0}".format(message.content_type))
def background_exception_handler(e):
print("Exception raised in background thread: {}".format(e))
# set the message received handler on the client
device_client.on_message_received = message_received_handler
device_client.on_background_exception = background_exception_handler
# define behavior for halting the application
def stdin_listener():
while True:
selection = input("Press Q to quit\n")
if selection == "Q" or selection == "q":
# Run the stdin listener in the event loop
loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
user_finished = loop.run_in_executor(None, stdin_listener)
# Wait for user to indicate they are done listening for messages
await user_finished
# Finally, shut down the client
await device_client.shutdown()
if __name__ == "__main__":
Hi @cartertinney , we implemented into a code that handle the patch of the twin but it doesn't work. Do know where is the possibile problem? we testd in a module that does not manage the twin patch and it works