Pinned issues
[Bicep Extensibility] Deprecating the term `provider` in favor of `extension`
#14374 opened by shenglol
- 6
Bug: Conditional scope statement stopped working
#15517 opened by AlexanderSehr - 0
- 7
Assigning VM to recovery fault in different rg fails
#15331 opened by guidovanbrakel - 2
LocalExtensibilityOperationResponse with ErrorData does not surface details to stdout
#15326 opened by drelmas - 2
Extension resources scope error
#15521 opened by stylee91 - 0
Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/variables@2023-11-01- does not show VALUES when isEncrypted = True
#15519 opened by alv000h - 4
- 3
The template reference 'identities1Res' is not valid:
#15515 opened by slavizh - 5
#13674 borke existing syntax when extensibility is enabled
#15513 opened by slavizh - 0
Azure Frontdoor Apex domain reference
#15516 opened by aslan-im - 1
System.NotImplementedException when using for loop and spread operator in the same resource definition
#15509 opened by BalassaMarton - 2
Add JSON path completions for `loadJsonContent` function in Bicep and Bicep Params
#15449 opened by asilverman - 0
Option to merge tags on deploy
#15508 opened by o-l-a-v - 0
Multiple bicep extensions that share an implementation
#15506 opened by rynowak - 0
Simplify Bicep Deployments by Embedding Subscription and Tenant Context in Parameter Files
#15504 opened by trylvis - 0
Module `name` property is missing intellisense description and length constraint
#15502 opened by asilverman - 0
Introduce spread (`...`) more deliberately in various Bicep docs pages
#15499 opened by anthony-c-martin - 1
Bicep out of stack with large set of unclosed {'s (CLI and langserver)
#15465 opened by StephenWeatherford - 0
Max variable linter rule doesn't count variables imported directly or as part of the closure of another imported symbol
#15461 opened by StephenWeatherford - 0
Should we document extract param/var/type?
#15460 opened by StephenWeatherford - 0
ms-azuretools.vscode-bicep Generate Parameters File to json not exporting default parameters
#15458 opened by nireshb - 3
Variable count linter should be disabled for "library" modules
#15456 opened by jeskew - 2
Set or skip an object property based on a condition
#15451 opened by anthony-c-martin - 1
Ability to use existing/reference() inside lambda functions
#15441 opened by slavizh - 1
Import aliases from bicepconfig.json are not used in JSON generation
#15396 opened by anthony-c-martin - 0
- 0
Failure to build ARM template with "optionalModuleNames" experimental feature enabled
#15394 opened by asilverman - 8
Lambda as a top-level data type
#15387 opened by gaorlov - 1
Not able to create parameter file
#15321 opened by Azure-devops-Aws - 0
Documentation updates needed for authentication changes with deployment inside vscode
#15450 opened by StephenWeatherford - 0
Bicep Release 0.31
#15462 opened by shenglol - 0
- 2
Bicep client: couldn't create connection to server.
#15390 opened by Godertpggm - 1
Creating OpenAI cognitive services account fails
#15446 opened by lp112358 - 0
New auth code has bug that may need workaround if multiple accounts are signed in
#15453 opened by StephenWeatherford - 5
DependsOn changes and breaks deployments when using feature in bicep that switches to ARM v2
#15443 opened by ThomasBleijendaal - 3
Conditional resource reference fails when resourceDerivedTypes and symbolicNameCodegen experimental features are enabled
#15448 opened by asilverman - 0
Create file IO abstraction
#15384 opened by shenglol - 0
How to use conditional loops
#15442 opened by teemukom - 0
Incomplete bicep error message
#15402 opened by StephenWeatherford - 0
az deployment sub what-if does not identity bastion resource, but after merging the pull request the bastion resource got provisioned.
#15405 opened by ehsaneskandariboc - 0
Improve ternary type inference
#15397 opened by jeskew - 2
- 6
Consume the `pattern` property in swagger specs during Bicep type generation to enable better regex validation
#15325 opened by asilverman - 2
- 1
Deployment Pane: Deploy BlobStorage Replication pOlicy
#15392 opened by rads18 - 2
Unable to make use of derived type properties
#15391 opened by Dash - 3
- 1
Updating Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/keyValues fails via Bicep, but is accepted by Azure Portal
#15281 opened by lettucemode - 0
Bicep linter is flagging a warning on property assignment when it shouldn't
#15280 opened by asilverman