- 0
Namespace sb:// does not exist. while testing IoT Hub input in Stream Analytics Job
#279 opened by codekat9 - 3
'AzureIoTHubClient' does not name a type
#274 opened by austnalio - 9
Error when using ARM template
#246 opened by defazioadrian - 4
MissingSubscriptionRegistration: The subscription is not registered to use namespace 'Microsoft.StreamAnalytics'
#221 opened by pietrobr - 3
- 3
Deployment error using the ARM template
#272 opened by akobyl - 1
- 3
Issue with gateway service
#269 opened by dvescovi1 - 16
Alerts does not appear on the site
#257 opened by vntampasi - 0
suggestion - video walkthrough
#265 opened by devkeydet - 2
Deployment Fails
#266 opened - 2 walkthrough does not match PowerBi
#263 opened by meesern - 0
AzurePrep Exception
#264 opened by CalvinTse - 1
- 14
Executing ConnectTheDots
#259 opened by olivierbloch - 3
- 1
- 1
Gateway - add HTTP/REST sender
#204 opened by spyrossak - 5
- 1
Inconsistent spacing in Python scripts
#201 opened by spyrossak - 1
- 1
Add support for AllJoyn devices
#199 opened by spyrossak - 3
Website time axis
#198 opened by spyrossak - 3
AzurePrep and EHConsole failing with LiveID
#197 opened by spyrossak - 1
Add sensors to CityPack
#196 opened by spyrossak - 1
Enhance Remote sensor head (formerly BTLE box)
#195 opened by spyrossak - 1
- 1 is overused
#193 opened by lt72 - 2
nodemcu ans azure event hub
#254 opened by rishikeshayre1310 - 1
- 4
Consider enabling additional methods of configuration/connection strings in the web app
#218 opened by jeffwilcox - 3
This is more a question then a issues
#219 opened by bmorneau - 4
Data not showing with Dekstop sample
#249 opened by miqbal23 - 6
ESP8266 NodeMCU board, need assistance!
#253 opened by mdma666 - 4
- 1
Using the "Deploy to Azure" button never finishes, it is spinning for hours on the last step.
#252 opened by egachi - 2
- 1
MS Band Sensors Flood httpClient
#230 opened by redraven984 - 4
Remove Intel Galileo sample from project
#206 opened by olivierbloch - 1
question - Windows Iot core gateway?
#248 opened by wvmstr - 3
Addition of Node.Red Support for IOT
#225 opened by leestott - 17
No data captured on website deployed
#227 opened by Muhammad-Fir - 1
Unable to deploy on Galileo
#213 opened by Pooja-B - 0
- 0
- 15
- 0
#236 opened by challengelogic - 2
- 3
Running netmf connectthedots with FEZ Spider doesn´t run alone but run well using VS.
#214 opened by ricargutier - 3
Alerts in ConnectTheDotsIot
#211 opened by lukazorc