- 2
- 0 incorrectly reported as not found
#223 opened by bsloan-icl - 0
- 1
- 1
VMSS - stop VM deployment, mark it as bad, if custom script extension fails
#219 opened by stefanmd023 - 4
- 3
- 0
- 3
CSE executed before cloud-init
#161 opened by kchodnicki - 1
- 2
CSE seems to not handle some special characters such as # < > when passed as values in commandToExecute
#204 opened by dkirby-ms - 0
- 1
Run script as non-root user
#191 opened by krissura - 4
Processing file downloads failed: failed to download file: unexpected status code: actual=404 expected=200
#168 opened by ssolovyev - 0
- 0
- 15
Getting HTTP 403 when attempting to download fileUris with user-assigned managed identity
#165 opened by anweiss - 0
Custom script extension on vmss having linux machine giving base64 decode error
#193 opened by ankur8 - 0
- 1
How do I prevent: VMExtensionProvisioningTimeout
#172 opened by hectoralicea - 0
#189 opened by phaninalap - 0
- 0
VMSS instance stuck in Creating state if the instance is deleted in Custom Script Extension
#187 opened by tanwar4 - 2
failed to download file: http request failed: GET dial tcp x.x.x.x:443 i/o timeout
#156 opened by vdcloud - 0
Error running custom script
#186 opened by unresolvedhost - 0
- 0
Broken Link
#182 opened by johkrec - 0
Broken links in README
#181 opened by cdelacruzpinto - 3
- 0
- 0
Support in Canary
#174 opened by pfrcks - 0
- 3
- 0
- 0
When will 2.1 be deployed to Fairfax?
#163 opened by TonyDou - 0
Inconsistend behaviour with custom script at linux
#162 opened by Ajay-MS - 3
VM extension '' has timed out. Extension installation may be taking too long, or extension status could not be obtained
#147 opened by liadlev - 0
Ability to secure base64-encoded Script
#157 opened by vdcloud - 1
Does not work for Azure VM scale set
#154 opened by aturlov-alta - 1
Make the stdout/err tail size configurable
#152 opened by stan-sz - 0
script is downloaded but not run on Centos 7.4
#150 opened by AnassKartit - 0
ability to set environment variables.
#148 opened by ramonskie - 1
- 1
Is there a way to restart the walinuxagent after the script ends, without breaking the deplyoment?
#142 opened by evertonmc - 1
Async VM state update stuck for ~ 25 mins
#141 opened - 1
customescriptextension and terraform provisioners are not working in Windows SQL server Machine
#140 opened by AvinashReddyVaka - 3
How to get the script response?
#137 opened by dtissen - 2
Custom extension 5min timeout
#139 opened by jermth - 1
- 1
az vm extension set --settings configuration issue
#136 opened by waynenus