This package implements an HTTP request pipeline suitable for use across multiple go-routines and provides the shared routines relied on by AutoRest generated Go code.
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Replacement for azure.Environment
#734 opened by raskchanky - 1
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- 0
china loganalytics endpoint
#710 opened by ioito - 1
Remove unspecified behavior in return statement
#722 opened by zigo101 - 1
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- 4
Imds connection time out need to be configurable
#714 opened by kulalking - 3
Retries cannot be disabled entirely
#712 opened by nojnhuh - 0
Last retry for a request sleeps unnecessarily
#713 opened by nojnhuh - 0
- 1
Do we have plan to fix CVE-2022-27191 vulnerability caused by
#707 opened by yutsengwei - 3
Support Synapse in USGovernmentCloud
#687 opened by lucashby - 3
- 2
Migrate tracing to OpenTelemetry
#703 opened by johananl - 1
Rename master branch to main
#697 opened by jhendrixMSFT - 1
- 0
- 1
Ways to set refresh token or extend expiration of ADAL token for long running operations
#651 opened by jkotalik - 1
Add support for federated authentication
#671 opened by chrisst - 0
"MSI not available" for app services
#684 opened by scott-the-programmer - 1
Option to create Service principal from certificates; where the private key and certificate are provided
#686 opened by harrydevnull - 2
ESTSR / Regional AAD Endpoint Usage
#656 opened by miosmian - 1
- 1
Error caused by inability to auto register RP clobbers original error surfaced by Azure
#683 opened by sagilson - 1
Mock bodies are lost when reset is called
#665 opened by hadrienk - 2
Wrong and inconsistent endpoints in Environment
#666 opened by jackdelab - 2
- 1
Clarify Effect of ADAL API Deprectation
#682 opened by patrickdillon - 1
Authentication shows "stack overflow" randomly
#675 opened by Scarlettliuyc - 3
- 1
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- 0
Error parsing expiration date ""
#668 opened by petganev - 1
The package is affected by CVE-2020-29652
#658 opened by ywk253100 - 1
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DetailedError object only has statusCode = 0
#630 opened by yarinm - 4
MSAL Support?
#636 opened by princjef - 3
Replace with
#642 opened by brackendawson - 2
CVE-2020-26160 on jwt-go flagged by scanners
#648 opened by helioloureiro - 2
MSI Support for Azure ARC enabled machines
#644 opened by TechyMatt - 1
On Behalf Of Authorization Flow
#647 opened by yogilad - 0
Where I can get "resource" resource param of "adal.NewServicePrincipalToken" ?
#649 opened by orestonce - 2
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