- 9
Getting error in "refreshIngestionResources" - Could not initialize class
#129 opened by Srivathsan97 - 5
Workload Identity: User Assigned Identity needs Cluster Admin permissions
#126 opened by jrauschenbusch - 1
Is there any solution to sink Protobuf message from Kafka topic to Azure Data Explorer?
#112 opened by ConfieBlake - 1
- 3
- 17
Error in flushByTime
#102 opened by ivanpedersen - 1
Mapping should not be mandatory
#76 opened by ohadbitt - 2
Connector stopped working with error: Bootstrap broker (id: -1 rack: null) disconnected
#77 opened by roicostas - 1
- 1
- 0
- 0
- 2
- 1
- 1
Potential NPE in TopicPartitionWriter
#62 opened by preston-m-price - 9
Add streaming ingestion support
#2 opened by danield137 - 2
- 1
KustoSinkConnector 2.1 Loads But Not Added
#60 opened by nielsberglund - 1
Busted link to contributing doc
#53 opened by brandynbrown - 1
- 4
- 1
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- 3
how to connect to Azure china kusto
#20 opened by jiangzheng51 - 0
Tenant 'kusto.auth.authority' not found
#27 opened by gholliday - 0
- 2
Avro source
#6 opened by destasys - 2
Is this code really working?
#3 opened by joesan