Azure Machine Learning Model Optimizer


The process of accelerating models, deploying models to a competent platform and tuning deployment parameters to make the best use of compute resources and reduce cost to reach the desired performance SLA (e.g. latency, throughput) is not only necessary but also vital for the production of machine learning services. This recipe is aiming at providing a one-stop experience for users to execute the complete process from optimization to profiling on Azure Machine Learning.

Azure Machine Learning Model Optimizer (preview) provides fully managed experience that makes it easy to benchmark your model performance.

  • Use the benchmarking tool of your choice.

  • Easy to use CLI experience.

  • Support for CI/CD MLOps pipelines to automate profiling.

  • Thorough performance report containing latency percentiles and resource utilization metrics.

A brief introduction on the Azure Machine Learning Model Optimizer

The Azure Machine Learning Model Optimizer currently consistes of the following 5 tools:

  • aml-olive-optimizer: An optimizer based on "Olive". "Olive" is a hardware-aware model optimization tool that composes industry-leading techniques across model compression, optimization, and compilation.. For detailed info please refer to this link. link. IMPORTANT: We didn't support Openvino related engines due to FFmpeg package vulnerability.

  • aml-wrk-profiler: A profiler based on "wrk". "wrk" is a modern HTTP benchmarking tool capable of generating significant load when run on a single multi-core CPU. It combines a multithreaded design with scalable event notification systems such as epoll and kqueue. For detailed info please refer to this link.

  • aml-wrk2-profiler: A profiler based on "wrk2". "wrk2" is "wrk" modified to produce a constant throughput load, and accurate latency details to the high 9s (i.e. can produce accuracy 99.9999% if run long enough). In addition to wrk's arguments, wrk2 takes a throughput argument (in total requests per second) via either the --rate or -R parameters (default is 1000). For detailed info please refer to this link.

  • aml-labench-profiler: A profiler based on "LaBench". "LaBench" (for LAtency BENCHmark) is a tool that measures latency percentiles of HTTP GET or POST requests under very even and steady load. For detailed info please refer to this link.

  • aml-online-endpoints-deployer: A deployer that deploys models as azureml online-endpoints. The deployer uses az cli and ml extension for the deployment job. For detailed info regarding using az cli for deploying online-endpoints, please refer to this link.

  • aml-online-endpoints-deleter: A deleter that deletes azureml online-endpoints and online-deployments. The deleter also uses az cli and ml extension for the deletion job. For detailed info regarding using az cli for deleting online-endpoints, please refer to this link.


Get started

Please follow this example and get started with the Azure Machine Learning Model Optimizer experience.

Step 1: Optimize your model

Create a compute to host the optimizer

You will need a compute to host the optimizer, run the optimization program and generate final reports. We would suggest you to use the same sku type that you intend to deploy your model with.

az ml compute create --name $OPTIMIZER_COMPUTE_NAME --size $INFERENCE_SERVICE_COMPUTE_SIZE --identity-type SystemAssigned --type amlcompute

Create an optimization job

Option1: Optimize with published optimizer image

We provided two published optimzer images that wrapped olive, you can try with and

User need to prepare an optimization configuration json file(required) and/or model folder and/or code folder as they need. Below is a sample configuration file. For detailed configuration definitions, please refer to Olive Optimizer Configuration. And we also prepared some job templates to show how to create a job with published image.

        "type": "PyTorchModel",
        "config": {
            "hf_config": {
                "model_name": "Intel/bert-base-uncased-mrpc",
                "task": "text-classification",
                "dataset": {
                    "subset": "mrpc",
                    "split": "validation",
                    "input_cols": ["sentence1", "sentence2"],
                    "label_cols": ["label"],
                    "batch_size": 1
            "io_config" : {
                "input_names": ["input_ids", "attention_mask", "token_type_ids"],
                "input_shapes": [[1, 128], [1, 128], [1, 128]],
                "input_types": ["int64", "int64", "int64"],
                "output_names": ["output"],
                "dynamic_axes": {
                    "input_ids": {"0": "batch_size", "1": "seq_length"},
                    "attention_mask": {"0": "batch_size", "1": "seq_length"},
                    "token_type_ids": {"0": "batch_size", "1": "seq_length"}
    "systems": {
        "local_system": {
            "type": "LocalSystem",
            "config": {
                "accelerators": ["CPU"]
    "evaluators": {
        "common_evaluator": {
                    "name": "accuracy",
                    "type": "accuracy",
                    "sub_types": [
                        {"name": "accuracy_score", "priority": 1, "goal": {"type": "max-degradation", "value": 0.01}}
                    "name": "latency",
                    "type": "latency",
                    "sub_types": [
                        {"name": "avg", "priority": 2, "goal": {"type": "percent-min-improvement", "value": 20}}
    "passes": {
        "conversion": {
            "type": "OnnxConversion",
            "config": {
                "target_opset": 13
        "transformers_optimization": {
            "type": "OrtTransformersOptimization",
            "config": {
                "model_type": "bert",
                "num_heads": 12,
                "hidden_size": 768,
                "float16": false
        "perf_tuning": {
            "type": "OrtPerfTuning",
            "config": {
                "input_names": ["input_ids", "attention_mask", "token_type_ids"],
                "input_shapes": [[1, 128], [1, 128], [1, 128]],
                "input_types": ["int64", "int64", "int64"]
    "engine": {
        "log_severity_level": 0,
        "search_strategy": {
            "execution_order": "joint",
            "search_algorithm": "tpe",
            "search_algorithm_config": {
                "num_samples": 3,
                "seed": 0
        "evaluator": "common_evaluator",
        "host": "local_system",
        "target": "local_system",
        "execution_providers": ["CPUExecutionProvider"],
        "clean_cache": true,
        "cache_dir": "cache"

Optimization job use olive configuration directy, but still have some limitations:

  • Systems Information: only support LocalSystem now, if config include system type AzureML and/or Docker, will fail.

  • Engine Information:

    1. search_strategy: set output_model_num to 1 if config not include. If user want to have more than one best candidate models, please set output_model_num in advance.

    2. packaging_config: set as default packaging config, and don's support override.

     "packaging_config": {
        "type": "Zipfile",
        "name": "OutputModels"
    1. plot_pareto_frontier: set as true, which means will plot the pareto frontier of the search results.

    2. output_dir: set to job's default artifact output files ./outputs. All default output files will put here. Suggest user set outputs optimized_parameters and optimized_model in job template.

Below is a template yaml file that defines an olive optimization job. For detailed info regarding how to construct a command job yaml file, see AzureML Job Yaml Schema


command: >
  python -m aml_olive_optimizer
  --config_path ${{inputs.config}}
  --code ${{inputs.code_path}}
  --model_path ${{inputs.model}}
  --optimized_parameters_path ${{outputs.optimized_parameters}}
  --optimized_model_path ${{outputs.optimized_model}}
experiment_name: optimization-demo-job
  optimizationTool: olive
  # For aceleration on CPU:
  # For aceleration on GPU:
  # image:
compute: azureml:$OPTIMIZER_COMPUTE_NAME
    type: uri_file
    path: ../resnet/resnet.json
    type: uri_folder
    path: ../resnet/models
    type: uri_folder
    path: ../resnet
    type: uri_folder
    type: uri_folder

HINT: config_path and model_path are optional input parameters. User decides use either or both of them.


command: >
  python -m aml_olive_optimizer
  --config_path ${{inputs.config}}
  --code ${{inputs.code_path}}
  --optimized_parameters_path ${{outputs.optimized_parameters}}
  --optimized_model_path ${{outputs.optimized_model}}
experiment_name: optimization-demo-job
  optimizationTool: olive
  # For aceleration on CPU:
  # For aceleration on GPU:
  # image:
compute: azureml:$OPTIMIZER_COMPUTE_NAME
    type: uri_file
    path: ../bert/bert.json
    type: uri_folder
    path: ../bert/code
    type: uri_folder
    type: uri_folder

You may create this olive optimizer job with the following command:

az ml job create --name $OPTIMIZER_JOB_NAME --file optimizer_job.yml

Understand and download job output

The olive optimizer job will generate below output files into job's default artifact output folder ./outputs.

  • *_footprints.json: A dictionary of all the footprints generated during the optimization process.
  • *_pareto_frontier_footprints.json: A dictionary of the footprints that are on the Pareto frontier based on the metrics goal you set in config of evaluators.metrics.
  • *_pareto_frontier_footprints_footprints_chart.html: Dump pareto_frontier points to html.
  • Generate a ZIP file which includes 3 folders: CandidateModels, SampleCode and ONNXRuntimePackages. Details please find in: Packaging Olive artifacts.
  • OutputModels: Decompressed zip package.

You may download the optimized_parameters file and optimized_model with the following command, they can be used as inputs of the online-endpoints deployer job.

az ml job download --name $OPTIMIZER_JOB_NAME --output-name optimized_parameters --download-path $OPTIMIZER_DOWNLOAD_FOLDER

az ml job download --name $OPTIMIZER_JOB_NAME --output-name optimized_model  --download-path $OPTIMIZER_DOWNLOAD_FOLDER

Option2: Optimize with published olive components

We also onboard olive components and user can use these components easily.

Olive components

User can use this pre-defined and published components via UX and the input settings are same with Option1.

  1. Launch Azure Machine Learning Studio of your workspace
  2. Click Designer and Custom button
  3. Choose Create a new pipeline using custom components
  4. Click Data to register inputs
  5. As example, We registered olive configuration and model folder as inputs to optimize distilbert model
  6. Search olive and click Component
  7. You can use published components either Olive Optimizer - CPU or Olive Optimizer - GPU which were created by Microsoft
  8. Drag the inputs and components and construct all modules
  9. Click Configure&Submit to choose the compute, input settings, output settings etc
  10. Then you can run the pipeline job and get the result, you can also use the optimizer outputs in following steps such as profiling/deploy

Create a new pipeline in Designer page

Register inputs and choose component

Drag the inputs and components and then choose configure&Submit about the compute settings/outputsettings

Step 2: Deploy an online-endpoint with the optimized model and optimized parameters

Create a compute to host the deployer

  • You will need a compute to host the deployer, run the online-endpoints deployment program and generate final reports. You may choose any sku type for this job.

    az ml compute create --name $DEPLOYER_COMPUTE_NAME --size $DEPLOYER_COMPUTE_SIZE --identity-type SystemAssigned --type amlcompute
  • Create proper role assignment for accessing online endpoint resources. The compute needs to have contributor role to the machine learning workspace. For more information, see Assign Azure roles using Azure CLI.

    compute_info=`az ml compute show --name $DEPLOYER_COMPUTE_NAME --query '{"id": id, "identity_object_id": identity.principal_id}' -o json`
    workspace_resource_id=`echo $compute_info | jq -r '.id' | sed 's/\(.*\)\/computes\/.*/\1/'`
    identity_object_id=`echo $compute_info | jq -r '.identity_object_id'`
    az role assignment create --role Contributor --assignee-object-id $identity_object_id --assignee-principal-type ServicePrincipal --scope $workspace_resource_id
    if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo "Failed to create role assignment for compute $DEPLOYER_COMPUTE_NAME" && exit 1; fi

Create an online-endpoints deployer job

Prepare an online-endpoint configuration yaml file. Below is a sample configuration file. For detailed info regarding how to construct an online-endpoint yaml file, see AzureML Online-Endpoint Yaml Schema.

auth_mode: key

Prepare an online-deployment configuration yaml file. Below is a sample configuration file. For detailed info regarding how to construct an online-deployment yaml file, see AzureML Online-Deployment Yaml Schema.

endpoint_name: $ENDPOINT_NAME
  name: optimized-distilbert-model
  version: 1
  path: <% MODEL_FOLDER_PATH %>
  code: <% CODE_FOLDER_PATH %>
  conda_file: <% ENVIRONMENT_FOLDER_PATH %>/conda.yml
instance_count: 1

Below is a sample yaml file that defines an online-endpoints deployer job. For detailed info regarding how to construct a command job yaml file, see AzureML Job Yaml Schema

  python -m aml_online_endpoints_deployer --endpoint_yaml_path ${{inputs.endpoint}} --deployment_yaml_path ${{inputs.deployment}} --model_folder_path ${{inputs.model}} --environment_folder_path ${{inputs.environment}} --code_folder_path ${{inputs.code}} --optimized_parameters_path ${{inputs.optimized_parameters}}
experiment_name: deployment-demo-jobs
  endpoint: $ENDPOINT_NAME
  deployment: $DEPLOYMENT_NAME
compute: azureml:$DEPLOYER_COMPUTE_NAME
    type: uri_file
    path: endpoint.yml
    type: uri_file
    path: deployment.yml
    type: uri_folder
    path: ../distilbert_model/optimized_model
    type: uri_folder
    path: ../distilbert_model/environment
    type: uri_folder    
    path: ../distilbert_model/code
    type: uri_file
    path: optimized_parameters.json

You may create this online-endpoints deployer job with the following command:

az ml job create --name $DEPLOYER_JOB_NAME --file deployer_job.yml

Understand and download job output

The online-endpoints deployer job will generate 1 output file.

  • deployment_settings.json: This file contains the detailed online-deployment information.

You may download the deployment_settings.json file with the following command, this file can later be used as an input of the profiler job.

az ml job download --name $DEPLOYER_JOB_NAME --all --download-path $DEPLOYER_DOWNLOAD_FOLDER

Step 3: Profile your online-endpoint

Create a compute to host the profiler

  • You will need a compute to host the profiler, run the profiling program and generate final reports. Please choose a compute SKU with proper network bandwidth (considering the inference request payload size and profiling traffic, we'd recommend Standard_F4s_v2) in the same region as the online endpoint or your model inference service.

    az ml compute create --name $PROFILER_COMPUTE_NAME --size $PROFILER_COMPUTE_SIZE --identity-type SystemAssigned --type amlcompute
  • Create proper role assignment for accessing online endpoint resources. The compute needs to have contributor role to the machine learning workspace. For more information, see Assign Azure roles using Azure CLI.

    compute_info=`az ml compute show --name $PROFILER_COMPUTE_NAME --query '{"id": id, "identity_object_id": identity.principal_id}' -o json`
    workspace_resource_id=`echo $compute_info | jq -r '.id' | sed 's/\(.*\)\/computes\/.*/\1/'`
    identity_object_id=`echo $compute_info | jq -r '.identity_object_id'`
    az role assignment create --role Contributor --assignee-object-id $identity_object_id --assignee-principal-type ServicePrincipal --scope $workspace_resource_id
    if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo "Failed to create role assignment for compute $PROFILER_COMPUTE_NAME" && exit 1; fi

Create a profiling job

Prepare a profiling configuration json file. Below is a sample configuration file. For detailed info about profiler job configs, see AzureML Wrk Profiler Configs, AzureML Wrk2 Profiler Configs and AzureML Labench Profiler Configs

  "version": 1.0,
  "profiler_config": {
    "duration_sec": 300,
    "connections": 1

Prepare a scoring target configuration json file. You may use the deployment_settings.json file from the deployer job outputs. Below is a sample configuration file. For detailed info about scoring target configurations, please refer to Scoring target configuration

  "version": "1.0",
  "deployment_settings": {
    "subscription_id": "636d700c-4412-48fa-84be-452ac03d34a1",
    "resource_group": "model-profiler",
    "workspace_name": "profilervalidation",
    "endpoint_name": "distilbert-endpt",
    "deployment_name": "distilbert-dep",
    "sku": "Standard_F8s_v2",
    "location": "eastus",
    "instance_count": 1,
    "worker_count": 1,
    "max_concurrent_requests_per_instance": 1

Below is a sample yaml file that defines a wrk profiling job. For detailed info regarding how to construct a command job yaml file, see AzureML Job Yaml Schema

command: >
  python -m aml_wrk_profiler --config_path ${{inputs.config}} --scoring_target_path ${{inputs.scoring_target}} --payload_path ${{inputs.payload}}
experiment_name: profiling-demo-jobs
  deployment: $DEPLOYMENT_NAME
compute: azureml:$PROFILER_COMPUTE_NAME
    type: uri_file
    path: config.json
    type: uri_file
    path: deployment_settings.json
    type: uri_file
    path: payload.jsonl

You may create this profiling job with the following command:

az ml job create --file profiler_job.yml

Understand and download job output

The profiler job will generate 1 output file.

  • report.json: This file contains detailed profiling results.

You may download the report.json file with the following command.

az ml job download --name $PROFILER_JOB_NAME --all --download-path $PROFILER_DOWNLOAD_FOLDER

Step 4: Delete your online-endpoint

Create a compute to host the deleter

  • You will need a compute to host the deleter, run the online-endpoints deletion program and generate final reports. You may choose any sku type for this job, and you may also choose to reuse the compute for the online-endpoints deployer job.

    az ml compute create --name $DELETER_COMPUTE_NAME --size $DELETER_COMPUTE_SIZE --identity-type SystemAssigned --type amlcompute
  • Create proper role assignment for accessing online endpoint resources. The compute needs to have contributor role to the machine learning workspace. For more information, see Assign Azure roles using Azure CLI.

    compute_info=`az ml compute show --name $DELETER_COMPUTE_NAME --query '{"id": id, "identity_object_id": identity.principal_id}' -o json`
    workspace_resource_id=`echo $compute_info | jq -r '.id' | sed 's/\(.*\)\/computes\/.*/\1/'`
    identity_object_id=`echo $compute_info | jq -r '.identity_object_id'`
    az role assignment create --role Contributor --assignee-object-id $identity_object_id --assignee-principal-type ServicePrincipal --scope $workspace_resource_id
    if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo "Failed to create role assignment for compute $DELETER_COMPUTE_NAME" && exit 1; fi

Create an online-endpoints deleter job

Below is a sample yaml file that defines an online-endpoints deleter job. For detailed info regarding how to construct a command job yaml file, see AzureML Job Yaml Schema

  python -m aml_online_endpoints_deleter --config_path ${{inputs.config}} --delete_endpoint ${{inputs.delete_endpoint}}
experiment_name: deletion-demo-job
  action: delete
  endpoint: $ENDPOINT_NAME
  deployment: $DEPLOYMENT_NAME
compute: azureml:$DELETER_COMPUTE_NAME
    type: uri_file
    path: deployment_settings.json
  delete_endpoint: True

You may create this online-endpoints deleter job with the following command:

az ml job create --file deleter_job.yml

Understand job output

The deleter job won't generate any output files, but you may also use the below command for downloading all std_out logs.

az ml job download --name $DELETER_JOB_NAME --all --download-path $DELETER_DOWNLOAD_FOLDER

Job configuration specifications

Olive optimizer configuration

Currently we support most OLive configs, but still have below special settings and limitations:

  • Systems Information:

    Configuration Definition Example Default Values
    type The type of the system. Only support "LocalSystem" for olive optimizer, "AzureML" and "Docker" are not supported. "LocalSystem" -
  • Engine Information:

    Configuration Definition Example Default Values
    packaging_config Olive artifacts packaging configurations. If not specified, Olive will not package artifacts DON'T SET, WILL BE OVERRIDED BY DEFAULT VALUE
      "packaging_config": {
          "type": "Zipfile",
          "name": "OutputModels"
    output_model_num The number of output models from the engine based on metric priority. If user want to have more than one best candidate models, please set "output_model_num" below "search_strategy" in advance. 1 1
    plot_pareto_frontier This decides whether to plot the pareto frontier of the search results. true true
    output_dir The directory to store the output of the engine. Set to job's default artifact output files "./outputs" DON'T SET, WILL BE OVERRIDED BY DEFAULT VALUE "./outputs"

AzureML profiler configuration

Scoring target configs

Configuration Definition Example Default Values
subscription_id [Optional] the subscription id of the online endpoint ea4faa5b-5e44-4236-91f6-5483d5b17d14 subscription id of the profiling job
resource_group [Optional] the resource group of the online endpoint my-rg resource group of the profiling job
workspace_name [Optional] the workspace name of the online endpoint my-ws workspace of the profiling job

[Optional] the name of the online endpoint

Required, if users want to get resource usage metrics in the profiling reports, such as CpuUtilizationPercentage, CpuMemoryUtilizationPercentage, etc.

If scoring_uri is not provided, the system will try to get the scoring_uri from the endpoint info provided by the user, including subscription_id, resource_group, workspace_name and endpoint_name

my-endpoint -

[Optional] the name of the online deployment

Required, if users want to get resource usage metrics in the profiling reports, such as CpuUtilizationPercentage, CpuMemoryUtilizationPercentage, etc.

If scoring_uri is not provided, the system will try to get the scoring_uri from the endpoint info provided by the user, including subscription_id, resource_group, workspace_name and endpoint_name

my-deployment -

[Optional] an optional aad token for retrieving endpoint scoring_uri, access_key, and resource usage metrics. This will not be necessary for the following scenario:

  • The aml compute that is used to run the profiling job has contributor access to the workspace of the online endpoint.

It's recommended to assign appropriate permissions to the aml compute rather than providing this aad token, since the aad token might be expired during the profiling job

- -

[Optional] users are optional to provide this env var as instead of the subscription_id / resource_group / workspace_name / endpoint_name / deployment_name combination to define the profiling target.

If scoring_uri is not provided, the system will try to get the scoring_uri from the endpoint info provided by the user, including subscription_id, resource_group, workspace_name and endpoint_name

If both scoring_uri and endpoint info are provided, the profiling tool will honor the value of the scoring_uri. -

[Optional] users may use this env var to provide any headers necessary when invoking the profiling target. One Required field inside the scoring_headers dict is “Authorization”.

If scoring_headers is not provided, the system will try to get the scoring_headers from the endpoint info provided by the user, including subscription_id, resource_group, workspace_name, endpoint_name and deployment_name.

If both scoring_headers and endpoint info are provided, the profiling tool will honor the value of the scoring_headers

  "Content-Type": "application/json",
  "Authorization": "Bearer < auth_key >",
  "azureml-model-deployment": "< deployment_name >"

[Optional] used together with location and instance_count for calculating core_hour_per_million_requests. Missing either one of the 3 values will result in failure when calculating core_hour_per_million_requests.

If sku is not provided, the system will try to get the sku from the endpoint info provided by the user, including subscription_id, resource_group, workspace_name, endpoint_name and deployment_name.

Standard_F2s_v2 -

[Optional] used together with sku and instance_count for calculating core_hour_per_million_requests. Missing either one of the 3 values will result in failure when calculating core_hour_per_million_requests.

If location is not provided, the system will try to get the location from the endpoint info provided by the user, including subscription_id, resource_group, workspace_name, endpoint_name and deployment_name.

eastus2 -

[Optional] used together with sku and instance_count for calculating core_hour_per_million_requests. Missing either one of the 3 values will result in failure when calculating core_hour_per_million_requests.

If instance_count is not provided, the system will try to get the instance_count from the endpoint info provided by the user, including subscription_id, resource_group, workspace_name, endpoint_name and deployment_name.

1 -

[Optional] the profiling tool would set the default traffic concurrency basing on worker_count and max_concurrent_requests_per_instance.

If users choose to provide the concurrency setting specifically in the profiling_config.json file, then neither worker_count nor max_concurrent_requests_per_instance is necessary.

If concurrency is not provided specifically by the user, and the user did not provide worker_count or max_concurrent_requests_per_instance, the system would try to get the worker_count and max_concurrent_requests_per_instance info from the endpoint info provided by the user, including subscription_id, resource_group, workspace_name, endpoint_name and deployment_name.

Basic logic for setting the default traffic concurrency: if max_concurrent_requests_per_instance is provided, then the default concurrency would be the same as max_concurrent_requests_per_instance; if max_concurrent_requests_per_instance is not provided, while worker_count is provided, the default concurrency would be the same as worker_count; if neither is provided, the default concurrency would be 1.

1 -

[Optional] the profiling tool would set the default traffic concurrency basing on worker_count and max_concurrent_requests_per_instance.

If users choose to provide the concurrency setting specifically in the profiling_config.json file, then neither worker_count nor max_concurrent_requests_per_instance is necessary.

If concurrency is not provided specifically by the user, and the user did not provide worker_count or max_concurrent_requests_per_instance, the system would try to get the worker_count and max_concurrent_requests_per_instance info from the endpoint info provided by the user, including subscription_id, resource_group, workspace_name, endpoint_name and deployment_name.

Basic logic for setting the default traffic concurrency: if max_concurrent_requests_per_instance is provided, then the default concurrency would be the same as max_concurrent_requests_per_instance; if max_concurrent_requests_per_instance is not provided, while worker_count is provided, the default concurrency would be the same as worker_count; if neither is provided, the default concurrency would be 1.

1 -

AzureML wrk profiler configs

Configuration Definition Example Default Values
duration_sec [Optional] duration in seconds for running the profiler 600 300

[Optional] no. of connections for the profiler

The default value will be set to the value of max_concurrent_requests_per_instance

The value is [Required] if the online-endpoint/online-deployment info is not provided, otherwise an error will be thrown

10 -
threads [Optional] no. of threads allocated for the profiler 3 1

[Optional] users may use this param to provide a single string format payload data for invoking the scoring target.

If inputs.payload is provided in the profiler_job.yml file, this env var will be ignored.

'{"data": [[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10], [10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1]]}' -

AzureML wrk2 profiler configs

Configuration Definition Example Default Values
duration_sec [Optional] duration in seconds for running the profiler 600 300

[Optional] no. of connections for the profiler

The default value will be set to the value of max_concurrent_requests_per_instance

The value is [Required] if the online-endpoint/online-deployment info is not provided, otherwise an error will be thrown

10 -
threads [Optional] no. of threads allocated for the profiler 3 1

[Optional] users may use this param to provide a single string format payload data for invoking the scoring target.

If inputs.payload is provided in the profiler_job.yml file, this env var will be ignored.

'{"data": [[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10], [10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1]]}' -
target_rps [Optional] target requests per second for the profiler 100 50

AzureML labench profiler configs

Configuration Definition Example Default Values
duration_sec [Optional] duration in seconds for running the profiler 600 300

[Optional] no. of clients for the profiler.

The default value will be set to the value of max_concurrent_requests_per_instance

10 -
timeout_sec [Optional] timeout in seconds for each request 20 10

[Optional] users may use this param to provide a single string format payload data for invoking the scoring target.

If inputs.payload is provided in the profiler_job.yml file, this env var will be ignored.

'{"data": [[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10], [10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1]]}' -
target_rps [Optional] target requests per second for the profiler 100 50


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