
ArcGIS Pro: custom CNTK raster function import fails

f-tonini opened this issue · 4 comments

Following the steps inside the 04_Apply_trained_model_in_ArcGIS_Pro, I click and try opening the custom CNTK raster function inside ArcGIS Pro. However, it seems like it throws some library import error (see screenshot below).


Hi @f-tonini, can you try with the sample project file I just added back (see the other issue)?

Hi @yangsiyu007, Even after opening the sample project file you suggested to download, I still the the following error when opening the Classify CNTK custom raster function. Some libraries must be missing.

I tried again using the latest Geo AI DSVM available on Azure with ArcPro 2.3 installed on it. The sample project file and custom raster function CNTK opens up and throws the attached error below. Please advise when possible.

Annotation 2019-05-03 112154

Has there been any development on solving this issue? Please advice when possible. Currently, it does not work.