Azure Key Vault provider for Secret Store CSI driver allows you to get secret contents stored in Azure Key Vault instance and use the Secret Store CSI driver interface to mount them into Kubernetes pods.
Pinned issues
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Sync certificates without mounting a volume
#1565 opened by Basssiiie - 7
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timed out waiting for the condition
#1686 opened by Magister-Machinis - 3
Clarify that syncing from a vault to a Kubernetes secret only works with secrets created by the SecretProviderClass instance
#1620 opened by ejschoen - 2
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CVE-2024-24790 in Kubernetes CSI images
#1634 opened by sdx-jkataja - 0
aks-secrets-store-csi-driver pods often restarts on new node while connecting to csi.sock
#1667 opened by mskwierczynski982 - 0
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Upgrade "csi-secret-store-provider-driver" failed: pre-upgrade hooks failed: * job secrets-store-csi-driver-upgrade-crds failed: BackoffLimitExceeded
#1599 opened by utkarsh222739 - 0
Remove `adal` dep in the provider
#1610 opened by aramase - 0
Avoid requesting the same secret more than once
#1609 opened by alonstern - 3
Usage of an outdated telegraf 1.21 version
#1543 opened by siprbaum - 0
Make `hostNetwork` configurable in the helm charts
#1577 opened by aramase - 0
Add a flag to configure the default cloud environment
#1541 opened by aramase - 3
Backstage ( Application Deployment on AKS: Unable to expose Azure key vault secrets as environment variables
#1522 opened by flrajjaladi - 0
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"no leaf found" error when mounting a cert
#1257 opened by dgkanatsios - 0
Do not provide client id in SecretProviderClass
#1512 opened by herquan-docusign - 6
Support multiple Azure Key Vault instances as fallback
#1433 opened by JorTurFer - 7
Fix e2e_arc_test pipleine job
#1382 opened by nilekhc - 7
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K8s Secret Not Created
#1464 opened by ajit-pendse - 1
CVE-2023-48795, CVE-2023-3978, CVE-2023-2878
#1477 opened by miwithro - 1
CSI should convert keyvault file with required extension and keep on container after mounting
#1387 opened by swati-delphix - 0
store whole list of environment variables as bulk key = value pairs converted base 64 string store as secret I want to mount all of encrypted base 64 string to decrypt and for each key value pairs environment variables should mount to the pod
#1435 opened by iftaqar - 2
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Provider should reject deployments of SecretProviderClasses if synced secrets reference non-existent object
#1388 opened by jroggeman - 0
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Secrets Store CSI Driver certificate not refresh after AKV certificate renewal
#1389 opened by linoytzarfatyMicrosoft - 0
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Azure Key Vault Provider for Secrets Store CSI Driver in an AKS cluster with ServicePrincipal
#1383 opened by linoytzarfatyMicrosoft - 0
Update Azure Arc logging agent
#1363 opened by nilekhc - 0
"Identity not found"
#1356 opened by Svessir - 2
429 from key vault unhandled.
#1336 opened by dineshkumar181094 - 2
pod stuck in ContainerCreating: failed to mount secrets store objects for pod. Status=403 Code="Forbidden"
#1328 opened by tuxerrante - 0
Ability to set static secrets under secretObjects
#1342 opened by pdefreitas - 1
Two windows nodes using the same user-assigned identity, only one can access the key vault
#1318 opened by pguyot - 3
Cluster's using service principal
#1254 opened by cwash05 - 2
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Installation failed
#1287 opened by DrEight - 3
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Skip generating `.crt` and `.key` files for PFX format
#1277 opened by aramase - 2
Unable to mount secret when using workload identity
#1284 opened by Jamess-Lucass - 1
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The driver should generate a key to encrypt caches and store it as a kubernetes secret
#1241 opened by mandreap - 1
Debugger doesn't work with the CSI driver
#1242 opened by mandreap