Terraform module to deploy landing zone subscriptions (and much more) in Azure
- 4
potential bug: vnet resource and peerings
#345 opened by nyanhp - 16
- 3
bug: Azure Pipelines AZAPI execution fails with "ChainedTokenCredential authentication failed"
#401 opened by jarhorn - 2
terraform plan is not working
#409 opened by David97 - 1
- 1
feat: Add support for strictly "Plan" identity
#413 opened by Brakistad - 1
feat: Add subscriptionOwnerID and subscriptionTenantId as options during subscription creation
#361 opened by cjasset - 0
feat: azapi v2 support
#406 opened by matt-FFFFFF - 0
- 6
- 1
feat: delete reaources prior to cancel sub
#405 opened by lukemurraynz - 0
bug: module.corp_subscriptions["xx"].module.virtualnetwork[0].azapi_resource.peering_hub_outbound["vnet"] failing
#398 opened by ShadiAlbatal - 0
- 0
- 9
Terraform can not read role assignment created along subscription using module
#392 opened by ShadiAlbatal - 5
bug: subscription providers shouldn't have dependencies on some of the other resources
#387 opened by sioakim - 10
- 1
- 0
feat: Make allowForwardedTraffic and allowGatewayTransit configurable for hub peering
#347 opened by djbark - 1
- 1
- 4
bug: incompatibility with AzAPI v1.13
#369 opened by matt-FFFFFF - 2
bug: virtual_network_enabled = false
#378 opened by Romiko - 1
- 2
- 3
- 2
feat: resource group dependencies
#358 opened by kewalaka - 2
- 5
- 8
feat: Role Assignment with Conditions
#282 opened by tcharewicz - 6
feat: Be able to add Partner ID to Subscriptions
#341 opened by lukemurraynz - 6
feat: change subscription_alias_name to optional
#328 opened by walkafwalka - 0
feat: Allow lifecycle exclusions for Tags
#338 opened by lukemurraynz - 3
bug: Resources are created before the subscription is fully in the destination management group
#337 opened by djbark - 1
- 4
bug: hub_peering_use_remote_gateways should not try to enable use_remote_gateways for both the spoke and the hub network with a single setting
#334 opened by valsharess - 2
- 2
bug: hub_peering_direction not initiating peering
#329 opened by walkafwalka - 8
bug: When routing intent is enabled in the module subsequent runs attempt to remove the route table association and propagation
#289 opened by laingsc - 1
- 2
bug: documentation not correct
#297 opened by laingsc - 0
- 4
bug: subscription_tags in Yaml Data file
#321 opened by aristdm - 7
- 6
bug: no tags deployed with NetworkWatcherRG
#305 opened by craigmoyle - 2
- 2
bug: Lack of compatibility between variable `umi_federated_credentials_advanced` and `federated_credentials_advanced` for `audience` sub-variable
#299 opened by tcharewicz - 4
bug: telemetry deployment fails
#283 opened by kaytharius - 14
- 9
bug: Error while creating Sub with SPN
#280 opened by DevanshuSyk