
broker_response_hash_mismatch: Unencrypted broker response hash did not match the expected hash when using iOS 13.1.x, MS Authenticator 6.3.22 and ADAL 5.5.2.

jennyf19 opened this issue · 6 comments

more information included in this issue
Not only happening on iOS 13.

@biozal and @marnilss I have opened a separate issue here for what you're seeing.

@jennyf19 this is @biozal, this is my other GitHub account - my current one is locked out because my Google authenticator app sucks. I'm going to try and get it unlocked today and I'll post more logs here.

@marnilss have identified the issue..if you'd like to try out a build to see if it works for you, please send me an email ->

@jennyf19 : I added it for 5.2.3.

Included in 5.2.3 release