- 1
GetAuthorizationRequestUrlAsync breaking change adds response_type=form_post
#1735 opened by mtucker2112 - 2
DeserializeAdalV3(byte[]) needs exceptions listed
#1728 opened by jsquire - 17
[Bug] Auth Redirect failure in ADAL on iOS
#1726 opened by Deloyuri - 1
AuthenticationParameters.CreateFromUnauthorizedResponseAsync() is async but doesn't need to
#1731 opened by abatishchev - 3
- 0
Device Auth incorrectly attempted on .NET classic
#1725 opened by bgavrilMS - 1
ADAL webview with secure certificate on App UWP
#1727 opened by vinhdp195 - 4
User is not able to signin
#1724 opened by shristikatiyar - 10
Cannot install. Install-Package: Dependency loop detected for package 'Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory'
#1718 opened by konrad-jamrozik - 3
user is not able to login
#1716 opened by shristikatiyar - 1
Missing PlatformParameters constructor for .net core version of MS.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory
#1717 opened by trevors20 - 1
MS Docs: Please clarify what AssertionTypes would be valid here, or provide links to other documentation.
#1719 opened by jsquire - 19
.NETFramework 4.5 nuget package has a dependency but the assembly doesn't reference those dependencies
#1659 opened by benleduc - 1
AcquireDeviceCodeAsync Failing on Mac OS
#1715 opened by jeschu1 - 28
AcquireTokenSilentAsync always fails in UWP
#1709 opened by Druffl3 - 1
Resource in TokenCacheNotificationArgs is null for AfterAccess notification.
#1664 opened by sc22github - 1
Update nuget description to point to MSAL.NET
#1707 opened by henrik-me - 1
Exception of type 'Microsoft.Identity.Client.MsalClientException' was thrown: password_required_for_managed_user
#1714 opened by MikeMalter-Personal - 15
Refresh Token not working in ADAL 5.2.2
#1660 opened by jcus0006 - 18
Brokered authentication in iOS 13 not working
#1703 opened by mfeatherSTAR - 3
android.runtime.JavaProxyThrowable crash in ADAL.Net
#1704 opened by pavanarava - 1
Update ADAL communication with Broker to stop using AccountManager::GetAccount
#1712 opened by bgavrilMS - 4
Refresh Tokens do not seem to work on iOS
#1706 opened by janschoelchAtOK - 0
Unable to Acquire Token using cert and subject name auth from Powershell ISE
#1710 opened by rohitkoppalkar - 3
AcquireTokenSilentAsync using a cached token is not working with Xamarin forms
#1690 opened by badarilr - 2
use specific proxy when call api #37049
#1708 opened by HASSEN-MEDDEB-ATOS - 1
Having issues with the AcquireTokenSilentlyAsync API.
#1699 opened by mikaelm12 - 1
- 2
Brokered authentication not working on iOS 13 - AdalLoggerBase.cs: Exception type: System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException
#1705 opened by davidezordan - 1
- 27
Android App crash after selecting account (using broker)
#1678 opened by pbruinink - 1 fails to AcquireToken for Integrated Windows Auth when VPN with RasCredential is used
#1692 opened by trwalke - 3
- 7
ADAL incorrectly forms AuthorityUri, ADFS returns 404 when authenticating KeyVaultclient
#1653 opened by mancyc - 6
ADAL 5.4.2 Client package is dropping /adfs/ literal from the passed authority URI
#1693 opened by sumantshiv - 7
Updaing ADAL library from 3.19.6 to 4.5.1 version breaks serilization deserilization of object
#1691 opened by tyaginidhi - 1
- 9
- 5
- 1
Move ADAL tests to the new identity lab API
#1670 opened by jmprieur - 1
AAD Security question registration page unresponsive in Android embedded webview
#1684 opened by jennyf19 - 3
Can't login with Galltin(Chinese) Azure AD
#1677 opened by isaaciaac - 6
NullReferenceException Core\WsTrust\CommonNonInteractiveHandler.cs:line 157
#1669 opened by glennst43 - 17
Different Broker URI expected than generated
#1654 opened by negberts - 7
user_interaction_required exception
#1671 opened by alexcarreira - 6
AdalClientException when initializing AuthenticationContext: TeamId returned null from the iOS keychain
#1652 opened by slnali - 2
- 8
- 6
broker_response_hash_mismatch: Unencrypted broker response hash did not match the expected hash when using iOS 13.1.x, MS Authenticator 6.3.22 and ADAL 5.5.2.
#1666 opened by jennyf19 - 5
Port exhaustion issue while using ADAL 5.2.0.
#1665 opened by sc22github