How to model and partition data for Cosmos DB starting with the Adventure Works database.
- acoffell
- aniruguOffice
- BeeLabsBeeLabs
- carlosalexei
- chishiuanluPlano, TX
- chopraachan
- darranhayesAgile Thinking Ltd
- dbarkolMicrosoft
- diberryMicrosoft
- disgoneDallas, TX
- ganeshanSterling,MA
- ilamas
- JanneMattila@microsoft
- jcgaukelOmaha, NE
- JeremywhiteleyMedtexter, Inc
- joso87
- jwidmerTownBackyard
- kovarikthomas@Microsoft
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- matt-manuelCognitive3D
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- rsaa
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- shahnawazkSK CodeWorks
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