
msdocsviewer-ex is a simple tool for viewing Microsoft's win32 API and driver technical documentation offline

Primary LanguagePython


Remastered version of original msdocsviewer by alexander-hanel

msdocsviewer-ex is a simple tool for viewing Microsoft's win32 API and driver technical documentation offline.

To use just click or select function name and press Ctrl+Shift+Z hotkey



  • Spellchecking and filtering of selected function name
  • Autofocus for documentation widget
  • No external python dependencies, ready-to-use in your VM
  • Markdown description was cleared, table borders and other things added
  • Built-in compressed one-file database
  • Fast database building, usually takes less than minute (including download of repositories)


Copy content of plugins/ directory to %IDA_HOME%/plugins/. No additional dependencies.

In-memory database require about 17MB of memory, if it's too much, set USE_CACHE = False in msdocsviewer_ex.py


Run build.sh script. If script succeed, file 'msdocsviewer_ex.db' will be created in working directory.

Documentation fetched from official sdk-api and windows-driver-docs-ddi repositories.

Pre-built version already present in plugins folder (as long as it does not violate licensing rights of previously mentioned repositories...)