Backend Api Routes: Products

In this challenge, you will

  • create an api with two endpoints (for all products and for a single one) and
  • consume these endpoints with SWR to render the products in the browser.


  • Check ./services/productServices.js: there is an array of products and two functions which return either all or a single product.

Create the API

Endpoint for All Listings

Create an api route which returns all products.

x- Create the file structure pages/api/products/index.js. x- Switch to /api/products/index.js; import the getAllProducts function from /services/productServices.js. x - Write a handler function which responds x - with a 200 status code and

  • with the return value of getAllProducts, parsed with the .json() method.

Check your api route:

  • run npm run dev and
  • switch to the browser and open /api/products: you should now see an array of all products.

Endpoint for Single Listing

Create an api route which returns a single product based on the id passed as query parameter.

xx- Create the file /api/products/[id].js.

  • Switch to /api/products/[id].js; import the getProductById function from /services/productServices.js.
  • Write a handler function which responds x - with a 200 status code and x - with the return value of getProductById(), parsed with the .json() method.
    • To access the id from the url, destructure the id variable from request.query and pass id as argument to getProductById(id).

Check your api route:

  • switch to the browser and open /api/products/1: you should now see the product with id: 1.

Create the Frontend

You have now prepared two api routes: let's use them to display the data on two pages, an overview and a details page for our products!

All Listings Page

x- Create the file /pages/products/index.js.

  • Import the useSWR hook, create a fetcher and fetch /api/products.
  • Map over the fetched data object to create a list of all products where you display their information.
  • Switch to the browser and open /products: you should now see a (rarely styled) list of all products.

✨ Great work, you've consumed your own api route to display its data in the frontend!

Details Page

The details page works quite similar to the All Listings Page, but there are some minor adaptions:

  • Create the file /pages/products/[id].js.
  • Use the useRouter hook to access the id query parameter from router.query.
  • Fetch from /api/products/[id] (you need to interpolate the query id accordingly).
  • The return statement does not return a list, but a single product.

Switch to the browser and open /products/[someId]: you should now see the product with the id you've passed in the url.


Local Development

To work locally, please install the dependencies using npm i first.

Run npm run dev to start a development server and open the displayed URL in a browser.

Use npm run test to run the tests.

CodeSandbox Cloud

Select the "Preview: 3000" tab to view this project.

Select the "Tests: logs" tab to view the tests.

The npm run dev and npm run test scripts run automatically.


You can use the following commands:

  • npm run dev to start a development server
  • npm run build to build the project
  • npm run start to start a production server
  • npm run test to run the tests
  • npm run lint to run the linter