
Authentication Next.js 13 is a full-stack web application built with Next.js 13, featuring JWT authentication, middleware usage, and a MongoDB backend. The project showcases the power of server-side rendering and API routes in Next.js, providing a secure and scalable authentication system.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Authentication Next.js 13



Authentication Next.js 13 is a project aimed at building a JWT authentication system using Next.js 13, App Router, and the new middleware functionality introduced in Next.js 13. The project also leverages MongoDB as the database and Mongoose for data modeling. The backend is entirely implemented within Next.js, showcasing the power of server-side rendering and API routes. The project utilizes various dependencies for features such as authentication, API calls, and styling.

Authentication Flow

  1. The user visits the login page.
  2. The user provides their email address and password.
  3. The application makes a request to the backend to validate the user's credentials.
  4. If the credentials are valid, the backend generates a JWT token.
  5. The application returns the JWT token to the user.
  6. User stores JWT token in cookies
  7. The user makes a request to a protected route.
  8. The application validates the JWT token.
  9. If the JWT token is valid, the application allows the user to access the route.


JWT Authentication

The core feature of this project is the implementation of JSON Web Token (JWT) authentication. Users can sign up, log in, and access protected routes with the help of JWT tokens. The authentication system enhances security by ensuring that only authenticated users can access certain parts of the application.

Next.js 13 Middleware

Next.js 13 introduces middleware, which is used in this project to handle authentication logic and protect routes. Middleware functions are executed before rendering a page, providing a robust mechanism for controlling access and performing authentication checks.

MongoDB and Mongoose Integration

MongoDB is employed as the database for storing user-related information. Mongoose, a MongoDB object modeling tool, is used for data modeling and interacting with the MongoDB database. This combination provides a scalable and flexible solution for managing user data.

Axios for API Requests

Axios is utilized for making HTTP requests to interact with the backend API. It simplifies the process of sending and handling requests, making it a suitable choice for communication between the frontend and backend of the application.

Styled Components for Styling

Styled Components is chosen as the styling solution for this project. It allows the creation of styled React components with a focus on simplicity and reusability. The use of Styled Components facilitates the development of a consistent and aesthetically pleasing user interface.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Install dependencies using npm install.
  3. Run the development server with npm run dev.
  4. Access the application at http://localhost:3000.