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Gatsby Starter for TypeScript, TailwindCSS, and Netlify CMS

Getting Started

$ npm i
$ npm start

Setting up the CMS

Follow the Netlify CMS Quick Start Guide to set up authentication, and hosting.

Dependency Notes

  • CLSX - Helps with logic heavy construction of class attributes for css.
  • Ionicons - Web Component string based icons so we can use from CMS


  • Move Logo to CMS
  • Move Favicon to CMS
  • Move All Content to CMS
  • Evalute article description field / excerpt?
  • Verify blog styles / write example blogs
  • Future blog publishes
  • Make sure the netlify relative CMS plugin doesn't conflict with links in markdown (/blog went to ../blog)
  • Work on TODOs
  • Clean Up Readme
  • Consider consolidating 404 and thanks page to a generic page "type" with title / subtitle
  • Consider moving layout to templates?
  • Add ESLint
  • Add stricter TS?
  • Bundle Optimization
  • Add Preact?
  • Do lighthouse checks
  • Figure out why lighthouse badges doesn't work with locally installed npx
  • Optimize css dev changes, seem to make dev process hang on any css change
  • describe dependencies and usefulness
  • Templatize it for plug and play

Future Projects:

  1. Font Optimization

    • Look into loading fonts through CMS
    • Possibly use typeface instead of Google Fonts
  2. Icon Optimization

    • Better way to load in icons via string
    • Better way to identify icon names in CMS
  3. Theme Optimization

    • Move all color options to CMS
      • Most likely through tailwind css variables on build