
Remote AUX1 for external Betaflight FC by sending CRSF packets with esp32/ M5Stick-C

Primary LanguageC++

Based on ESP32 CRSF Packet Gen

- Generate some test CRSF packets with esp32
- https://github.com/AlessandroAU/ESP32-CRSF-Packet-Gen

M5-Stick-C / M5-Stamp-C3 ( ESP32 pico/C3 ) CRSF Remote Version

Modified for Flowshutter and Betaflight-Blackbox logging purposes to ARM an FC that logs Gyro and Acc data for gyroflow.xyz

Betaflight AETR1234 16 Channel
Roll/Pitch/Yaw = MID
Thrrottle      = LOW


    -  LED      =   pin10
    -  Tx       =   pin33  -> UART RX on FC set to CRSF
    -  Rx       =   pin32  -> Not connected/used right now
    -  ButtonA  =   pin37


    -  LED      =   pin2
    -  Tx       =   pin21  -> UART RX on FC set to CRSF
    -  Rx       =   pin20  -> Not connected/used right now
    -  ButtonA  =   pin3

Arduino IDE + ESP32 core

  • Neopixel
  • Ezbutton

Thanks to https://github.com/AlessandroAU for all the nice CRSF code