
Third eyeable custom stashes for QBCORE

Primary LanguageLua

This is a basic and configurable staches for a third eye.

example on client

RegisterNetEvent('md-stashes:client:stashname1', function () TriggerEvent("inventory:client:SetCurrentStash", "stashname1") TriggerServerEvent("inventory:server:OpenInventory", "stash", "stashname1", { maxweight = 4000000, slots = 500, }) end)

example for QB-Target

CreateThread(function() exports['qb-target']:AddBoxZone("stashname1",vector3location, 1.5, 1.75, { -- 963.37, -2122.95, 31.47 name = "stashname1", heading = 186.0, debugPoly = true, minZ = 37.77834, maxZ = 41.87834, }, { options = { { type = "client", event = "md-stashes:client:AutoCare", icon = "fas fa-sign-in-alt", label = "open stash", --job = "mechanic", --gang = "ballas", --item = "metalscrap", }, }, distance = 2.5 })


just add location, the stash name, and if you want it to be hidden unless you are in a job, gang, or have an item in your inventory just write it there