
This is For Our Project [Group 6]

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


This is My Project

Spotify Mood Classification With KNN Classifiers

Project ini menggunakan Python.



One of the problems often experienced by users of the Spotify application is where the music that users want to hear is run randomly or has been arranged in a playlist curated by Spotify (both by language and singer) so users need to choose which music they want to hear according to their preferences. listener's mood. Therefore, this project was structured in order to make it easier for Spotify app users to classify music and sort it according to mood. This algorithm will sort music from Spotify in the first playlist (happy, upbeat, and energetic music) or the second playlist (slow, calming, and calm) according to the attributes of the music used. The algorithm that we want to create is to classify from the two selected playlists that contain several songs, with our algorithm it will generate or show that there are several songs in both playlists that have the same music attributes. Playlists will be classified based on the same and closest quality. Classification is done using the KNN algorithm. The data used is Spotify data (Spotify is a music and podcast streaming service based in Sweden) which consists of 199 songs. There are several variables, namely artist, track, danceability, energy, key, loudness, mode, speechiness, acousticness, instrumentalness, liveness, valence, tempo, type, id, uri, track_href, analysis_url, duration_ms, and time signature.

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