- 1
Articles with "/" break
#31 opened by F-22-Wallace - 2
Allow cheating on runs
#24 opened by VictorWesterlund - 2
"Sharing settings" doesn't work
#20 opened by Cosmic-Taco - 2
Redirects don't register as wins
#16 opened by mbjackson7 - 1
What is with the Vietnamese flag?
#21 opened by mys31f - 1
- 1
Add other languages
#6 opened by TheCH150503 - 1
Remove disambiguation pages
#7 opened by Suds-p - 7
Idea for making the random button more useful
#1 opened by Nobake - 5
Timer display starts at 30:00 instead of 00:00
#3 opened by 1NDT - 1
Editing links
#2 opened by malariaparasiet