Meetjs 2023 - Nx Remote Caching Demo

This is a demo repository for Nx Remote Caching.

What is Nx Remote Caching?

Nx Remote Caching is a feature of Nx that allows you to cache the results of computationally expensive operations in a remote cache. This allows you to share computation results between developers and CI/CD pipelines.

In this demo repo you'll find a simple Nx workspace with the application "Booking" and simple libraries that have dependencies between each other.

Also, you'll find a remote-cache folder, which contains the implementation of the remote cache. I created two example task runners:

  1. Default - which is the default task runner that comes with Nx
  2. AWS - which is a task runner that uses AWS as a remote cache

Why you need to know about it?

Nx Remote Caching is a feature that is available in Nx. Of course, you can use Nx Cloud to get the same benefits, but if you don't want to pay extra money for Nx Cloud, you can create your own that will use your own infrastructure with your features and optimisations.

Getting Started

Build and deploy the remote cache

I made a simple deployment script that will deploy remote-cache in your local node_modules and build it. You can find it in remote-cache/tools/deploy-remote-cache.

npm run deploy:remote-cache

PS: Deploy will only work if you use terminal that supports bash scripts. You can try to run it in Git Bash.

To watch changes in remote-cache, you can run:

npm run watch:remote-cache

Build application

To build the application with custom default task runner:

npm run build:app:default

To build the application with custom AWS task runner:

npm run build:app:aws


To log debug messages with the application build, run the following command:

NX_CACHE_VERBOSE_LOGGING=true npm run build:app:aws

Clean cache

To clean the cache, run the following command:

npm run nx clear-cache

How it works?


Default task runner is a function that is executed by Nx before build an application. You can find the implementation in remote-cache/src/lib/task-runners/default/task-runner.ts. It uses @nrwl/devkit package to run tasks. To execute defaultTaskRunner you need to pass tasks, options and context inside.

To learn more about defaultTaskRunner, try to read the source code or types in @nrwl/devkit package.


If you'll dig into defaultTaskRunner implementation, you'll find that it uses remoteCache function to cache the results of the computation. remoteCache has two methods:

  1. retrieve(hash: string, cacheDirectory: string): Promise<boolean> - which retrieves the result from the cache
  2. store(hash: string, cacheDirectory: string): Promise<boolean> - which stores the result in the cache

If promise resolves with true, it means that the result was retrieved/stored successfully. If promise resolves with false, it means that the result was not retrieved/stored successfully.

Store/Retrieve files

You probably have noticed, that arguments of retrieve/store functions have hash and cacheDirectory. Hash is a unique identifier of the result. Cache directory is a path to the directory where the result will be stored.

Every Nx task saves its result in the node_modules/.cache/nx directory. So, if you want to store the result of the task, you need to copy the result from ${cacheDirectory}/${hash} to your cache provider. Same for retrieve, you need to download the result from your cache provider to ${cacheDirectory}/${hash}.

And that's it. Now you can implement your own remoteCache function that will use your own infrastructure. You don't need to use AWS, you can use any other cloud provider or even your own server.

Remember that Nx updates their API quite often, so you need to check if the implementation of defaultTaskRunner has changed. If it has changed, you need to update your implementation of remoteCache function. I caught on it several times :D That's the one of the reasons, why it's harder to have own implementation.

Useful links