- 3
Hello, the xml file to introduce a custom view, and then setting the title doesn't look like it works
#152 opened by wllj - 0
How can we create a library for dynamically changing colors in Andrid for XML?
#154 opened by Chirag0243 - 3
Ruler error when using Restring in dynamic feature
#153 opened by 0xffrom - 6
Locale selection fallback not working
#147 opened by SoftXperience - 3
Language with Region fallback not working
#149 opened by neustaTerasa - 2
- 40
- 1
application.getResources in Robolectric environment
#142 opened by Kamkalet - 3
@abdelmalek-roshdi This is not a problem, you just need to set the package correctly. Something like this should do it:
#140 opened by MirkoWu - 7
TypedArray#getText does not return translated string for custom attribute in custom view
#111 opened by dzielins42 - 3
#139 opened by gnmmdk - 2
- 13
Activity cannot inherit AppCompatActivity, and Android: text="@ string/key" cannot take effect. How to solve it?
#136 opened by gnmmdk - 4
Frequent issues with automatic and associated startup.
#137 opened by gnmmdk - 8
Crash observed on Restring library : android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: Resource ID #0x0
#135 opened by anjali-purohit - 3
- 10
Can you provide the ability to provide custom return values when "override val strings: MutableMap<Locale, MutableMap<String, CharSequence>>" does not have a corresponding key, but the XML file has a key.
#133 opened by gnmmdk - 1
Has this library been verified on Android 14?
#131 opened by gnmmdk - 4
- 13
- 2
- 2
How can TypedArray be proxied?
#127 opened by MirkoWu - 3
High performance cost for overriding `Application#getResources()` with `Restring.wrapResources()`
#126 opened by JedLee6 - 1
Why using AppCompatDelegate?
#124 opened by firefinchdev - 2
ANR triggered by slow operations in main thread
#123 opened by liandara - 6
Sometimes Activity crashing when get String Resources Resources$NotFoundException
#110 opened by JosephSanjaya - 5
- 3
Lint issue post addition of this library
#119 opened by nileshkoo - 1
Support Jetpack compose?
#118 opened by AshikGeidea - 10
Restring memory leak
#114 opened by rprunskas - 2
Library does not supports "sr_RS" locale.
#115 opened by RaginiSingh - 1
- 5
Manifest Placeholder
#109 opened by davisoqt - 2
Crash on start Android 23
#106 opened by DmitrSP - 3
- 1
Cache inconsistent in `CachedStringRepository`
#103 opened by adherencegoo - 1
Strict mode
#101 opened by SiarheiSm - 9
has problems with `applicationContext.getString`
#102 opened by adherencegoo - 1
Text shows the unchanged localization for a split second when entering fragment (using example app)
#100 opened by VansonLeung - 1
attributes.getText() not work
#99 opened by TheMandalorianHub - 0
- 1
Issue with /n & etc. v.5.1.4
#95 opened by D3laru3 - 2
No update for strings in xml layout files
#94 opened by dariofigliuzzi - 2
- 1
Empty repository
#90 opened by Alival-IT - 1
- 1
Get string by locale
#89 opened by Alival-IT - 1
Unable to update strings
#86 opened by Eyal-Elbaz - 1
Getting application crash on a specific layout
#87 opened by ashu5398 - 2