
A bunch of useful stuffs

Primary LanguagePython


Useful scripts (Python v. 3).


Michele Berselli, berselli.michele@gmail.com


A script that allows to retrieve the promoter regions for a desired list of genes from ENSEMBL. Genes symbols should be provided as a column in a plain text file. The user can specify the number of bases upstream and downstream the TSS. The output is saved in a fasta file. Download errors are handled and reported in a log file if unsolvable (e.g. identifier not found).


query_ensembl_promoters.py [-h] -i INPUTFILE -p PROMOTERLENGTH [-d DOWNSTREAMLENGTH] -o OUTPUTFILE


  • -h, --help
  • -i, --inputfile PATH/TO/INPUTFILE --> input file with gene names
  • -p, --promoterlength PROMOTERLENGTH --> length of the promoter region, region upstream TSS
  • -d, --downstreamlength DOWNSTREAMLENGTH --> length of the region retrieved downstream TSS
  • -o, --outputfile PATH/TO/OUTPUTFILE --> output file to save results


A simple library that provides objects and methods to work with REST api based on requests.


The library requires requests and json libraries.


To use the library simply import rest_api as ra into your code.



Entry is a general object that accepts any number of attributes that are stored as strings.

  • Entry( dictionary ) to initialize the object with the attributes and corresponding values passed as the dictionary.

    entry = ra.Entry(dictionary)

  • header_to_tsv( ) method to return all attributes names in a tsv format.


  • values_to_tsv( ) method to return all attributes values in a tsv format.



  • GET_json( url ) requests a json from the url and check for errors. If request was successful error is 0 and json is returned, otherwise error is 1 and no json is returned.

    json, error = ra.GET_json(url)

  • dict_structure( dictionary, expand=False, levels=[0,-1] ) returns the structure of the keys for dictionary. expand allows to expand values that are lists of dictionaries and returns the structure of the first dictionary. levels allows to specify the range of levels to return [min, max], [.., -1] removes maximum depth limit.

    ra.dict_structure(dictionary, expand=False, levels=[0,-1])