Run React apps on Raspberry Pi Pico W

  1. Clone the project
  2. Build the react app by running the command npm run build (Make sure that you have node.js installed on your machine)
  3. Connect Pico w to your machine and open it in thonny
  4. install phew library to pico w (tools > manage packages)
  5. copy and to root of pico file system.
  6. open react app folder in top file browser of thonny, select build folder and click upload to / (make sure that you are uploading to root of pico's file system) uplod to pico Final folder structure: folder final
  7. click run on thonny

IP address of pico will be logged to the terminal, open this IP in browser.

2022-10-22 08:06:44 [debug    /  137264]   - ip address:
2022-10-22 08:06:44 [info     /  133696] > starting web server on port 80