Ghost Loader

Getting Startd

Technical Details

The idea of wrapping a component in a loader and automagically create a loader sounds awesome, but I was not able to figure out a way to pull that off.

I made a Ghost component that can either be used as an HoC to wrap the dynamically loaded content or it can be conditionally rendered in place of the dynamic content (Article example is built like this).

Ghost component takes the following props:

isLoading: if the component is in a loading state or not. count: Number of ghost entries. type: type of Ghost component (can be circle or rect) height/width: height and width of the ghost style: custom inline-style

the default width is 100% and the default height is 1rem.

Animation is done by translating gradient applied to the .ghost::after in the x-direction. This pseudo-element width is sent as 100vw, so that all animations have the same width and can start and end together.

Sample Code

As HoC

<Ghost isLoading="{isLoading}" width="75%">
    <h4 className="user-name">{}</h4>

As a replacement component

this way most of the style of the actual component can be reused.

<h1 className="article-heading">
    {isLoading ? <Ghost height="100%" /> : item.title}


npm-modules and dist directories are removed from the zip to reduce the size, make sure to install the modules before running.

Google Drive Link:

Code is also hosted in a private GitHub repo, let me know if you need read access.

Right now the theme is set to black, which can be changed easily, let me know if the animation is not visible.