A tool to generate, visualize and manipulate various kind of tree structures.
To run the program, you only need to download contents in folder 'dist'.
No compatibility testing. Functions are only guaranteed in Chrome.
若要运行程序, 只需要下载文件夹"dist"中的内容即可.
没有测试兼容性, 只能保证chorme浏览器下正常运行.
I create this project for the purpose of helping those who are learning BBST in Data Structure course. My plan is to build a playground for various kind of trees, including ordinary BinTree, BST, AVLTree, SplayTree, BTree, RedBlackTree... In this playground, user can build trees freely as they wish, and see the changes in structure simultaneously as they operate on them. In order to achieve this, I will fulfill most of the ADT interface of those trees.
This project is designed for user to run locally. It is written in html5, typescript and vue.js. Since I'm just an rookie in these things, my work may seem like a rag to you. I will try hard to improve this. If you want to help, tell me!