
This is an official implementation of our CVPR 2020 paper "Non-Local Neural Networks With Grouped Bilinear Attentional Transforms".

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Bilinear Attentional Transforms (BAT) for Image Classification

This is the official code of Non-Local Neural Networks With Grouped Bilinear Attentional Transforms for image classification on ImageNet.

Pretrained models

Here we provide some of the pretrained models.

Method GFLOPs #Params Top-1 Acc Link
ResNet-50 + BAT 5.4 30.2M 78.3% GoogleDrive / BaiduYun(Access Code: h587)
ResNet-101 + BAT 9.2 49.2M 79.1% GoogleDrive / BaiduYun(Access Code: h2bo)
ResNet-152 + BAT 12.9 64.9M 79.4% GoogleDrive / BaiduYun(Access Code: eh6f)

Note: The models provided here are trained on MXNet’s recordIO files, so the performance will drop significantly while evaluated on JPEG images. But they can be used as good training initalization for other tasks, such as video classification.

Quick starts


  • pip install -r requirements.txt

Data preparation

You can follow the Pytorch implementation: https://github.com/pytorch/examples/tree/master/imagenet


To train a model, run main.py with the desired model architecture and other super-paremeters:

python main.py -a nlnet50 --nltype bat --nl_mod 2 2 1000 --dropout 0.2 [imagenet-folder with train and val folders]

Note: For models deeper than ResNet-34, dropout=0.2 is adopted at residual connection for BAT-Block to reduce over-fitting. We use "nl_mod" to control how many BAT-Blocks to be added at Res3, Res4 and Res5. It's set to "2 2 1000" for ResNet-50, "2 7 1000" for ResNet-101, "4 12 1000" for ResNet-152.


python main.py -a nlnet50 --nltype bat --nl_mod 2 2 1000 --evaluate --resume PATH/TO/CHECKPOINT [imagenet-folder with train and val folders]

Other applications of BAT


If you find this work or code is helpful in your research, please cite:

  author = {Chi, Lu and Yuan, Zehuan and Mu, Yadong and Wang, Changhu},
  title = {Non-Local Neural Networks With Grouped Bilinear Attentional Transforms},
  booktitle = {The IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
  month = {June},
  year = {2020}