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All writtings has been pushlished in DNFWAH are CC-By 4.0:

D O   N O T   F U C K   W I T H   A   H A C K E R

DNFWAH is an underground ezine. We are sharing something that it's only
hackers who are care about --- Hacker's life. You might be interested
send us your article/paper if you're a hacker and following hacker
ethics. We are not computer security hackers. But we would like to see
computer hacker and generic hacker join us, to share hacking
experience each other. This ezine it's totally free. By the community,
for the community!

DNFWAH Issue 5 CFP now open. We want you to share your hacking
life. It doesn't matter what fields you are hacking with. Computer
science/engineering, security( of course--), art, biological hacks(
wow, sounds coool ha), etc

Languages: Chinese/English. Don't send us an Elvish paper, plz@!

Sendto: citypw@gmail.com

DEADLINE: I don't know.

DNFWAH Issue 4 is released in Apr 20 2015

├── d4_0x00_intro.txt
├── d4_0x01_DNFWAH_archeological_hacking_on_pax.txt
├── d4_0x02_DNFWAH_gnu-linux_security_baseline_hardening.txt
├── d4_0x03_DNFWAH_hack_back_diy_guide.txt
├── d4_0x04_DNFWAH_World_News.txt
├── d4_0x05_DNFWAH_hacker_manifesto_the_conscience_of_a_real_hacker.txt
├── d4_0x06_DNFWAH_the_awesome_truth_about_hackers.txt
├── d4_0x07_DNFWAH_shellshock_bash_story_cve-2014-6271.txt
├── d4_0x08_DNFWAH_SmartOS_security_assessment.txt
├── d4_0x09_DNFWAH_symbol_recognition_of_striped_lib.txt
├── d4_0x0a_DNFWAH_linux_kernel_patch.txt
└── d4_0x0b_DNFWAH_diy_your_own_android_emu.txt

The 3rd issue is released in Apr 1st 2014( We don't fool anyone;-)):

├── d3_0x00_Introduction.txt
├── d3_0x01_hacking_on_hw_filter.txt
├── d3_0x02_CVE-2013-1858_exploit_analysis.txt
├── d3_0x03_security_shit_in_qa-work.txt
├── d3_0x04_DNFWAH_World_News.txt
├── d3_0x05_critique_of_local_open_source_conf.txt
├── d3_0x06_hacker_nsa_free-software.txt
├── d3_0x07_intro_secret_sharing.txt
└── d3_0x08_intro_to_big_data.txt

The 2nd issue is released in Dec 31st, 2011:

├── d2_0x00_Introduction f0Rsaken
├── d2_0x01_A & G trends II Shawn the R0ck
├── d2_0x02_Hacking on the ext of future GNU System NalaGinrut
├── d2_0x03_Loopback f0Rsaken
├── d2_0x04_DNFWAH World News f0Rsaken
├── d2_0x05_The Dic of the new village of south lake Sissy
├── d2_0x06_Hacking the wholism of linux net Shawn the R0ck
└── d2_0x07_Reviews of The Consequences of Ideas Cat

The 1st issue is released in May 8th, 2011:

├── d1_0x00_Introduction
├── d1_0x01_A_G_trends
├── d1_0x02_How_to_start_contributing_to_or_using_Open_Source_Software
├── d1_0x03_The_way_of_NGO_hacking
├── d1_0x04_DNFWAH_World_News
├── d1_0x05_Hacking_libpcap_and_tcpdump
├── d1_0x06_Hacking_snort
├── d1_0x07_The_chapter_one_answer_of_sicp
├── d1_0x08_My_way_of_music_hacking
└── d1_0x09_Summary_of_Complex_system