
myBFF - a Brute Force Framework

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

myBFF - a Brute Force Framework

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--- A Brute Force Framework by Kirk Hayes (l0gan)
--- myBFF v1.5.1

myBFF is a web application brute force framework (currently)

Point the framework at a file containing usernames, a host, and give it a password. The framework will determine what type of web application is in use, then attempt to brute force accounts. After brute forcing accounts, myBFF will then do a little more, like enumerating apps available, and reading in important data. Each module is different so try them out!

Current modules:

  • HP SiteScope (will attempt to give you a Meterpreter Shell!)
  • Citrix Gateway (also enumerates authorized applications)
  • Juniper Portal (Will look for 2FA bypass and list what is accessible)
  • MobileIron (Unknown. Have to find out what is accessible first!)
  • Outlook/Office365 (will parse email, contacts, and other data from email)
  • Wordpress (Will be adding "SomethingCool" soon)
  • CiscoVPN (Enumerate User accounts (May not work on all configurations))
  • Okta (Enumerate Applications and check if 2FA is setup for account)
  • Jenkins (Will be adding "Something Cool" soon)
  • SMB (Check if user is an administrator) (must use --domain with this module. for host, use smb://)
  • FTP (List root dir contents)

New modules will be added.


myBFF requires lxml and pysmb.

Install using

'sudo apt-get install python-lxml'

'sudo pip install pysmb'



python myBFF.py --host https://example.com -U userfile.txt -p password123
--host - Host including protocol. Protocols currently support http, https, and smb only.
-u <username> - test single username
-U <usernameFile> - username file
-p <password> - password
-P <passwordFile> - password file
-d - dry run mode (skip somethingCool/password guessing only)
--vhost <virtualDirectory> (optional) - virtual hosting. This is for when you have a site where https://example.com goes to one page, but https://example.com/owa goes to another
-o <outputFile> - output file
--timeout <value> - timeout (Used to pause during password file attacks.)

Planned Development:

See: https://github.com/MooseDojo/myBFF/wiki/Future-Plans