
Respberry Toolkit & Webpanel based on node, for nodejs apps, makes life easier

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Respberry Toolkit


Respberry Toolkit & Webpanel based on node, for nodejs apps, makes life easier.

  • create web server on Pi: boardcast Pi's IP and provides some apis
  • provides web panel of Pi: run shell on web page
  • setup Pi wifi network: auto-connect configs,etc.

How to install

Install Node.js first

the very first, make sure your Pi has node installed, if not, try install node.js first:

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get upgrade
$ sudo apt-get install nodejs npm

if your Pi runs on Debian, check this official guide

Install via Npm

// make sure install both on your PC/Mac and Pi
$ sudo npm install raspberry -g

Bite a little

Respberry Toolkit provides a CLI, which means you type some commands and everything will be setup and ready for connect

Desktop Scanner (on your Mac/PC)

connect your Pi by running:

// start desktop connect 
$ respberry connect

// advanced connect config
// default : respberry connect nodePi 9999
// e.g: respberry connect myPi 9998
$ respberry connect [token] [port]

// desktop connecter will scan your Pi (default by port 9999)
// result like this:
$ [Success] Hi, im here // ssh your Pi use `ssh pi@`

// or
$ [404] Respberry Pi Not Found ...

Respberry panel (on your Pi)

manage your Pi on web panel

start panel

$ respberry panel // start your panel
$ respberry panel 9999 // start your panel at selected port

stop panel

$ respberry panel stop // stop your panel

respberry wifi

scan wifi

$ respberry wifi scan // follow steps to setup wifi

// result
[scan wifi] ssid:123 ? // wifi details
[scan wifi] ssid:223 ? // wifi details
[scan wifi] ssid:my network ? // wifi details

setup wifi

$ respberry wifi setup // follow steps to setup wifi

// steps
[setup wifi] ssid ? // input ssid
[setup wifi] passtype ? // input passtype
[setup wifi] password ? // input password
[setup wifi] autoconnect ? // true or false;

// results
[setup wifi] wifi ssid:123 setup success [√]
// or 
[setup wifi] wifi ssid:123 setup fail [x]

start wifi

$ respberry wifi // start wifi

// result
[start wifi] wifi(ssid) connected [√]
// or 
[start wifi] wifi(ssid) failed [x]

list wifi and edit

$ respberry wifi list // list wifi configs

// result
[list wifi] id:1 ssid:abc passtype:wap password:xxx

$ respberry wifi edit 1 // edit (id:1)wifi configs

// result
[setup wifi] xxx // same as #start wifi

stop wifi support

$ respberry wifi stop // stop wifi

// result
[stop wifi] wifi stoped [√]


MIT License

Roadmap -> 0.1.0

  • [ ] add mobile panel support
  • [ ] add wechat interface/api support
