
Harmonic and biharmonic interpolation functions. Create surfaces from normals. Fill in holes in images.

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

For diffusing scalar values with hard and soft constraints and possibly disconnected (cut) edges

Call recovery.solve_grid_linear_simple3() or recovery.solve_grid_linear_simple3_solver(). You can look at recovery.test_solve_grid_linear_simpleN() for an example. If you run python recovery.py it will call solve_grid_linear_simple3() and generate test output.

For recovering a height field

Look into modifying surface_with_edges.py main(). It calls recovery.solve_grid_linear(). (It relies on lots of external helper function to load its input, which isn't necessary.)

To smooth bumps created by normals constraints, try calling recovery.smooth_bumps() or recovery.smooth_bumps2() with the locations of the bumps and some integer value for bump_radius.

For filling in holes in an image harmonically

To replace pixels in an image whose opacity is not 100% with a harmonic function:

    python fill_alpha_harmonic.py path/to/image_with_non_opaque_pixels.png path/to/output.png

100% opaque pixels remain unchanged.


  • Python >= 2.6 and < 3
  • PIL (Python Image Library) (only needed for the examples and tests)
  • scipy
  • cvxopt