
Reference codes to perform visual regression testing using visual-comparison package.

Primary LanguagePython

Visual Comparison

This Python script compares a baseline image with an actual image taken from a webpage. After any source code modifications, the visual changes can be easily compared through this script.


Ensure you have the following installed:

  • Python 3.x
  • Selenium (pip install selenium)
  • Visual-comparison (pip install visual-comparison)

You will also need the appropriate WebDriver for your browser. This example uses ChromeDriver.

How to Use

  1. Set Up WebDriver: Ensure that the WebDriver executable (e.g., chromedriver) is in your system's PATH or specify its location in the script.
  2. Update URLs and Credentials: Modify the script to target your specific webpage and use the appropriate login credentials.


  1. Open the Target Webpage: The script navigates to the target webpage.
  2. Login: Logs into the website using provided credentials.
  3. Take Screenshots: Takes a screenshot after login to visualize the changes.
  4. Compare Images: Compares the baseline image (expected) with the actual image taken after login.
  5. Save Result: Saves the comparison result and prints the similarity index.


Running the Script

  1. For creating baseline image, run 'baseline_image.py'
  2. Then image comparison can be performed through executing 'image_comparison.py'