UK prisons 'awash' with smuggled phones and SIM cards

In May 2018 the BBC Shared Data Unit reported one smuggled mobile phone or SIM card had been seized for every six inmates in English and Welsh jails in 2017.

We compared figures for the period 2010-2014 and 2017 from ministers' answers to written questions in Parliament, Freedom of Information requests to prison services in Scotland and Northern Ireland and published prison population figures.

Our analysis revealed the number of seizures in England and Wales increased from 9,600 in 2014 to at least 15,000 last year, a 56% rise.

The rate of finds across prisons in England and Wales doubled from an average of nine discoveries for every 100 prisoners in 2011, to at least 18 per 100 prisoners in 2017 (the equivalent of one in six).

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