Black hole in town hall budgets rises to £5bn

In August 2023, the BBC Shared Data Unit revealed that a black hole in local authority budgets continues to grow, prompting fears some will not be able to provide basic services.

The project involved surveying 190 upper-tier authorities in the UK to find out the extent of the financial difficulties facing town halls.

It revealed council chiefs expect to be £5.2bn short of balancing the books by April 2026 even after making £2.5bn of planned cuts.

The average council now faces a £33m predicted deficit by 2025-26 - a rise of 60% from £20m two years ago.

Background and briefing

A full briefing pack on the story can be found here.

Get the data


Interactive table with lookup: Predicted savings and deficits at upper-tier local authorities (UK, 2023-24 budget)

Interviews and quotes

  • Neil Crouch, who had their respite eligibility removed due to council cuts
  • Layla Barclay, who led the campaign to keep Gateshead Leisure Centre open
  • Mike Short, Head of Local Government of Unison
  • Cllr Shaun Davies, Chair of the Local Government Association
  • Dame Meg Hillier MP, Chair of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC)
  • Cllr Georgia Gould, Chair of London Councils
  • Cllr Tim Oliver, Chair of the County Councils Network
  • A spokesperson for the Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities
  • A spokesperson for the Welsh government
  • A spokesperson for the Scottish government
  • Spokespeople for the upper-tier local authorities of Essex, Shropshire, Newry, Mourne and Down, Nottingham, Thurrock, Shetland Islands, Kingston upon Thames, Barnsley, Bradford, Leicester and Kensington and Chelsea

BBC and partner usage

This investigation featured across BBC platforms on the 21st of August 2023, including the BBC News website, News at Six and Radio 4's Today, as well as BBC Wales and around 20 other BBC radio outlets.

BBC Political Correspondent Alex Forsyth reporting on the council finances story in News at Six BBC Political Correspondent Alex Forsyth reporting on the council finances story on News at Six.

The Shared Data Unit makes data journalism available to news organisations across the media industry, as part of a partnership between the BBC and the News Media Association. The partnership generated over 80 stories, including:

The story also featured in the Daily Express and in both print and digital editions of The Times and The Economist.

Related repo

In July 2021, the BBC Shared Data Unit reported UK councils faced a £3bn black hole in their budgets as they emerged from the coronavirus pandemic (repo available here).