Gambling addiction fear over council-run lotteries

In July 2020 we reported on fears over lotteries with jackpots of up to £25,000 being run by local authorities in a bid to raise funds for cultural activities and events in the wake of coronavirus.

People providing addiction support services questioned whether councils were providing a "gateway to gambling".

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Quotes and interviews

  • Chris Hill, from Sidcup, who recovered from a gambling addiction several years ago and runs support services for those battling addiction
  • Dr Mark Griffiths, Professor of Behavioural Addiction, Nottingham Trent University
  • Professor Annie Anderson, president, the UK Society of Behavioural Medicine
  • Ben Speare, managing director, Gatherwell (lottery provider)
  • Mieka Smiles, executive member for culture and communities, Middlesbrough Council
  • Spokeswoman, Gambling Commission


  • Infographic: Where does my £1 go in a local lottery?

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