
Analysing mental health referral figures across the UK over the course of the Covid crisis

'NHS abandoned me after I tried to kill myself'


In August 2021, we reported on record numbers of combined mental health referrals to NHS Services in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

We found:

  • In March 2021, monthly mental health referrals across the UK hit their highest point in two years.
  • Around 300,000 people were referred to NHS mental health services in Great Britain in March this year, a rise of 18% from the total in February 2020, the month before the pandemic struck.
  • The rise is driven by an increase in referrals across England. Some CCGs, like Leeds, Redbridge and Greater Preston, have seen referrals more than double compared to pre-Covid levels.
  • But while referrals are rising, the number of people receiving mental health treatment remains lower than pre-pandemic levels.
  • Over the same time period, our analysis found the number of people in contact with the service had dropped by around 67,000 - a fall of 9%.

Charities have suggested a combination of social distancing restrictions and a move to online treatments has reduced capacity. Concerns are also growing that a spike in urgent crisis referrals suggests people are entering the system more unwell than they would have been.


We analysed figures from 117 Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG) in England, and health boards across Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

For England, we ignored CCGs which were created in an NHS reorganisation in April 2020, and those which ceased to exist at the same time, as it would have been impossible to compare change over time.

English data came from the Mental Health Services Monthly Statistics.

Scottis hdata was sourced from Public Health Scotland's Psychological Therapies Waiting Times publication.

For Wales, we analysed data from Stats Wales, while data from Northern Ireland was supplied on request by Health and Social Care Northern Ireland.


Our findings were shared in a spreadsheet, here. We also produced a detailed background pack, available here.

Partner Usage

The Shared Data Unit makes data journalism available to news organisations across the media industry, as part of a partnership between the BBC and the News Media Association. Stories based on this research included:

The story featured on BBC Radio 4 news bulletins and on BBC News builletins, as well as on local radio stations such as BBC 3 Counties Radio, BBC Solent, BBC Cambridgeshire, BBC Cornwall, BBC West Midlands, BBC Hereford and Worcester, BBC Leicester, BBC Nottingham, BBC Kent, BBC Cornwall and BBC Leeds.

It was also covered by BBC Wales, BBC Northern Ireland and East Midlands Today.

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