Rough sleeping in England rises for seventh year

In January 2018 we reported on new figures revealing that rough sleeping in England had increased for the seventh year in a row.

The story was complemented by video of 'Four stories of rough sleeping in England' and 'Homelessness: 5 things you might not know', along with quotes from housing charity Shelter, homelessness charities St Mungo's and Crisis, the National Audit Office, the Local Government Association and the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG).

Get the data


  • Map: Rough sleepers in England per 10,000 households
  • Line chart: Rise in rough sleeping (2010-2017)
  • Multiple bar chart (2016 vs 2017): Areas with the highest rates of rough sleeping
  • Bar chart: Increase in rough sleeping by region (2016-2017)

Related repositories

We reported on similar figures a year earlier, in January 2017. The repo for that story can be found here. You can find all our repos tagged 'homelessness' here