
A base Model for iOS encoding & decoding

Primary LanguageSwift

EncodeModel & Dic2Entity

you can use this model to make the encoding & decoding much easier. more detail in the Demo.swift

1. 你可以使用这个model在iOS开发中来简化encoding和decoding

2. 你可以使用这个model在iOS开发中实现字典初始化对象的过程


Example Code

First Step 使用字典初始化,并归档

let he = Hello.init(dic: ["name": 123,
        let demo = Demo.init(dic: ["content":content.text ?? "nil",
        demo.archive(fileName: "helloFileName")

Seconde Step 解档并获取对象描述

let demo = Demo.unarchive(fileName: "helloFileName") as? Demo
        output.text = demo?.content
        print(demo?.description ?? "nil")