
High-performance, real-time, multi-location data obfuscation tool

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Maquerade - high-performance, real-time, multi-location data obfuscation tool

License Documentation Status

In a nutshell Masquerade can hide your sensible data. We use it to upload our data to Artificial Intelligence clouds safely.

Why Masquerade

Work with data are a real need, but we can export information with sensitive data. Masquerade help you to do that.

Contributions are welcome, see CONTRIBUTING.md or skim existing tickets to see where you could help out.


You can find the complete documentation at: Documentation


Masquerade was made by Security BBVA-Labs Team members:


API-Check is Open Source and available under the Apache 2 license.


Contributions are very welcome. See CONTRIBUTING.md or skim existing tickets to see where you could help out.