Unit 12 MySQL Homework: Employee Tracker

​ Developers are often tasked with creating interfaces that make it easy for non-developers to view and interact with information stored in databases. Often these interfaces are known as Content Management Systems. In this homework assignment, your challenge is to architect and build a solution for managing a company's employees using node, inquirer, and MySQL. ​


​ Design the following database schema containing three tables: ​ Database Schema

  • department: ​
    • id - INT PRIMARY KEY
    • name - VARCHAR(30) to hold department name ​
  • role: ​
    • id - INT PRIMARY KEY
    • title - VARCHAR(30) to hold role title
    • salary - DECIMAL to hold role salary
    • department_id - INT to hold reference to department role belongs to ​
  • employee: ​
    • id - INT PRIMARY KEY
    • first_name - VARCHAR(30) to hold employee first name
    • last_name - VARCHAR(30) to hold employee last name
    • role_id - INT to hold reference to role employee has
    • manager_id - INT to hold reference to another employee thats manager of the current employee. This field may be null if the employee has no manager

Build a command-line application that at a minimum allows the user to: ​

  • View departments, roles, employees ​
  • Add departments, roles, employees ​ ​
  • Update employee roles ​ Bonus points if you're able to: ​
  • Update employee managers ​
  • View employees by manager ​
  • Delete departments, roles, and employees ​
  • View the total utilized budget of a department -- ie the combined salaries of all employees in that department ​ ​ We can frame this challenge as follows: ​
As a business owner
I want to be able to view and manage the departments, roles, and employees in my company
So that I can organize and plan my business

​ How do you deliver this? Here are some guidelines: ​

  • Use the MySQL NPM package to connect to your MySQL database and perform queries. ​
  • Use InquirerJs NPM package to interact with the user via the command-line. ​
  • Use console.table to print MySQL rows to the console. There is a built-in version of console.table, but the NPM package formats the data a little better for our purposes. ​
  • You may wish to have a separate file containing functions for performing specific SQL queries you'll need to use. Could a constructor function or a class be helpful for organizing these? ​
  • You will need to perform a variety of SQL JOINS to complete this assignment, and it's recommended you review the week's activities if you need a refresher on this. ​ Employee Tracker


  • You may wish to include a seed.sql file to pre-populate your database. This will make development of individual features much easier. ​
  • Focus on getting the basic functionality completed before working on more advanced features. ​
  • Review the week's activities for a refresher on MySQL. ​
  • Check out SQL Bolt for some extra MySQL help. ​

Minimum Requirements

  • Functional application. ​
  • GitHub repository with a unique name and a README describing the project. ​
  • The command-line application should allow users to: ​
    • Add departments, roles, employees ​
    • View departments, roles, employees ​
    • Update employee roles ​


  • The command-line application should allow users to: ​
    • Update employee managers ​
    • View employees by manager ​
    • Delete departments, roles, and employees ​
    • View the total utilized budget of a department -- ie the combined salaries of all employees in that department ​

Commit Early and Often

​ One of the most important skills to master as a web developer is version control. Building the habit of committing via Git is important for two reasons: ​

  • Your commit history is a signal to employers that you are actively working on projects and learning new skills. ​
  • Your commit history allows you to revert your codebase in the event that you need to return to a previous state. ​ Follow these guidelines for committing: ​
  • Make single-purpose commits for related changes to ensure a clean, manageable history. If you are fixing two issues, make two commits. ​
  • Write descriptive, meaningful commit messages so that you and anyone else looking at your repository can easily understand its history. ​
  • Don't commit half-done work, for the sake of your collaborators (and your future self!). ​
  • Test your application before you commit to ensure functionality at every step in the development process. ​ We would like you to have well over 200 commits by graduation, so commit early and often! ​ ​

Submission on BCS

​ You are required to submit the following: ​

  • The URL of the GitHub repository ​

© 2019 Trilogy Education Services, a 2U, Inc. brand. All Rights Reserved. ​ ​ ​ Step 1 - Create schema (database, tables) Step 2 - Insert seed data into each table Step 3 -