
Bernie's master's thesis at IHEID

Primary LanguageTeX


This repository contains the replication code to replicate the thesis titled “The Impact of Global Environmental Governance on Innovation; Revisiting the Porter Hypothesis at the International Level” by Bernhard Bieri in fulfillment of the Master in International Economics of the Geneva Graduate Institute.

How to replicate this thesis:

All code files are located in the R/ folder and are labeled according to the order in which they should be executed. I.e., the first file to run would be the 0_Setup.R file followed by the files in the 1_DataPreparation folder.

When executing the scripts, one might need to install/load particular versions of the loaded packages. These are indicated in comments next to the corresponding library() call in the respective file.

Finally, note that due to dataset size, we were not able to upload the datasets used to compute patent counts. These are available on request.

Got any questions?

Feel free to reach out to me at the following email address if you have any questions or inquiries.