
Server for AutoBound

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Server for AutoBound

Currently implemented End points:

  • / - Used to generate nodes for a building in the aerial image received in the request
  • /generateNodesTest - Used by the unit test for the JOSM plugin
  • /dataCollector - Used to collect data (original image, segmented image and other metadata) of buildings using the Collect Data - AutoBound oprtion under the Tools menu in JOSM.

Using your own models

Save your the model you have built and copy them to a directory of your choice. Make sure to modify the path to your model here. Update the model architecture here and import it in the necessary places.

Server for AutoBound. Read more about it in the wiki here.

The docker image for this server can be found here.

If you are interested in contributing, please read the contributing guidelines here.