
Deploys Infrastructure Required for Running ADFS in Microsoft Azure

  • Deploys the following infrastructure:
  • Storage Account
  • Virtual Network
  • Site-to-Site VPN
    • Local Gateway
    • Public IP for Azure Gateway
    • Azure Gateway
    • Gateway Connection
  • 3 subnets: AD, Internal, DMZ
  • 3 Network Security Groups:
    • AD - permits AD traffic, RDP incoming to network; limits DMZ access
    • Internal - permissive; restricts traffic to DMZ
    • DMZ - restrictive; permits 443 traffic to Internal, RDP from internal, very limited traffic from Internal, no traffic to Internet or Internal
  • Public IP Address
  • 2 Load Balancers
    • Internal - to be used to access AD FS Servers
    • External - to be used to access Web Application Proxy servers (via PublicIP)

Note: only one VM Size is specified (at this time)

Note: Network Cards and Availability Sets are provisioned for VMs

  • AD VMs - 2 VMs of size specified
    • DSC to install ADDS Role
  • AD FS VMs - Number to be specified of size specified
    • DSC to install ADFS Role
  • WAP VMs - Number to be specified (same as AD FS VMs)
    • DSC to install Windows Application Proxy Role

Things to be aware of/Feature Backlog

  • There are no RDP Endpoints created on the VMs. If you cannot access the VPNs using the VPN created with the deployment, you'll have to add a Public IP to one of the ADFS or AD VMs and take it from there.
  • Domain Join, ADFS farm join/creation, and WAP farm join are not supported
  • I haven't actually tested the VPN capability!
  • T-shirt sizing - ability to select from:
    • non-redundant (i.e. service only to be utilized if primary on-site server goes down)
    • redundant (as-built)
    • geo-redundant (deploy twice; load balance with Traffic Manager)
    • non-redundant, geo-load balanced

##Known Issues

  • DSC to install the WAP is not enabled
