
CS490 - Project mors.

Primary LanguageSwift

CS490 iOS - mors.

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Product Spec
  3. Wireframes
  4. Schema
  5. Unit 10
  6. Unit 11
  7. Unit 12
  8. Unit 13



mors. is an app that allows users to learn morse code through conversation.

App Evaluation

[Evaluation of your app across the following attributes]

  • Category: Education/Communication
  • Mobile: This app could work on both mobile and web. Although it would be better suited for mobile, it would still work roughly the same as a website.
  • Story: Enables users to learn morse code through a fun and intuitive interface. For instance, the user can participate in a fun tutorial and then chat with their friends in morse to hone their skill.
  • Market: This app is designed for anyone who is trying to learn morse code. Since it is in the education category, it would be designed in a way where it is safe and PG.
  • Habit: This app could be used as often or unoften as the user wanted depending on how deep their desire to learn morse code is.
  • Scope: This app could start off as a tutorial app for users to learn morse code and then eventually it will be a chat app for users to converse with others in morse code and develop their skills. It could further evolve into a multi language learning app and could be used in collaboration with Duolingo.

Product Spec

1. User Stories (Required and Optional)

Required Must-have Stories

  • User can send a message in morse
  • User can see the translation of their message
  • User can receive a message in morse
  • User can receive a ':)' everytime they get something correct

Optional Nice-to-have Stories

  • User can register for an account
  • User can log into an account
  • User can progress through levels (e.g., beginner, intermediate, expert)
    • User can see a timer letting them know how much time they have left
  • User can chat with another person in english and/or morse
  • User can hear playback of morse audio

2. Screen Archetypes

  • Register
    • User can register for an account
  • Login
    • User can log into an account
  • Creation
    • User can send a message in morse
  • Stream
    • User can see the translation of their message
    • User can recieve a message in morse
    • User can recieve a ':)' everytime they get something correct
    • User sees a final score screen message

3. Navigation

Tab Navigation (Tab to Screen) Remark: Tab Navigation not reflected in wireframe since we may opt to implement solely flow navigation

  • Home screen (stream, shows what user got right and wrong)
  • Current ranking screen (profile, Beginner, Intermediate, Expert)
  • Setting screen

Flow Navigation (Screen to Screen)

  • Register screen -> Home screen
    • User can register and be redirected to home screen
  • Login screen -> Home screen
    • User can be redirected to home screen
  • Home screen -> Creation screen
    • User can send a message in morse
  • Home screen -> Creation or chatting screen
    • User can pick tutorial or chatting
  • Home screen -> Instructions
    • User can pick random and be redirected to instructions
  • Instructions -> Random
    • User can click start and begin the game
  • Home screen -> Dictionary
    • User can click dictionary and be redirected to the dictionary page
  • Game -> Creation
    • User can enter their desired message in morse



[BONUS] Digital Wireframes & Mockups

[BONUS] Interactive Prototype


[This section will be completed in Unit 9]



Property Type Description
chatMessage char retrieving user's message
randomMessage String user enters game response
username String username corresponding to account
userPassword String password corresponding to user's account
score Number score pertaining to game
picture Image user profile picture
difficultyLevel Number number indicating whether user is beginner, intermediate, or expert


  • Home ChatScreen

    • (READ/GET) user's messages
    • (READ/GET) user's username + password
    • (READ/GET) user's picture
    • (READ/GET) user's score
    • (READ/GET) user's difficulty level
  • Third part API

    • (READ/GET) api.funtranslations.com/translate/
  • [Create basic snippets for each Parse network request] Remark: not using parse

  • [OPTIONAL: List endpoints if using existing API such as Yelp]

Unit 10


Video Walkthrough

Completed user stories:

  • User can view homescreen
  • User can write a message in morse

Unit 11


Video Walkthrough

Required user stories:

  • User can view dictionary screen
  • User can intitiate a tutorial game and generates random phrase

Unit 12


Video Walkthrough

Required user stories:

  • User can navigate seamlessly
  • User can enter text that is then sent to API endpoint

Unit 13


Remark: You may have to click through in order to access to gif

Video Walkthrough

Required user stories:

  • User can play the game
  • User can access the dictionary (not shown in video...but is completely animated)