In this repository, you will get each and every class's notes except basics of java in the form of PDF with good explanation.

Primary LanguageJava


Course mentors are Love Babbar & Lakshay Kumar Bhaiya

Low Level Design LLD SUPRA 1.0 course represented by The code help

Our instructors of LLD SUPRA 1.0 course are Love Babbar & Lakshay Kumar


In this repository, you will get each and every class's notes except basics of java in the form of PDF with good explanation.

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Basics of Java

This section covers fundamental concepts and features of Java programming language.

# Topic Read Articles
1. Introduction of Java Link
2. Java Vs C++ Link
3. Java program execution process Link
4. JDK Vs JRE Vs JVM Link
5. Write your first Java program Link
6. Variables in Java Link
7. Data types in Java Link
8. Type conversion in Java Link
9. Operators in Java Link
10. Taking input in Java Link
11. Java garbage collection Link
12. Conditional statements Link
13. Loop statements Link
14. Arrays in Java Link 1 Link 2
15. Methods in Java Link 1 Link 2
16. Strings in Java Link
17. Exception handling in Java Link
18. Wrapper classes in Java Link
19. Collections Framework in Java Link

Object Oriented Programming in Java

This section covers Object Oriented Programming concepts in Java.

# Topic Subtopics Read Articles
1. Introduction to OOPS
Show Subtopics
  • - 📝 Why Object Oriented Programming
  • - 📝 Multiple Students Example - Messy Code
  • - 📝 What is OOP?
  • - 📝 Objects and Classes
  • - 📝 Attributes and Behaviour and Identity
2. How to create a class and object in Java
Show Subtopics
  • - 📝 Must define some blue print - class
  • - 📝 Object an instance of class
  • - 📝 What is constructor?
  • - 📝 Default constructor
  • - 📝 Parameterized constructor
  • - 📝 Copy constructor
  • - 📝 Object life cycle
3. Encapsulation in Java
Show Subtopics
  • - 📝 What is encapsulation?
  • - 📝 Access modifiers (Brief) in Java
  • - 📝 Not perfect encapsulation
  • - 📝 Perfect encapsulation
4. Inheritance in Java
Show Subtopics
  • - 📝 What is inheritance?
  • - 📝 When do we use inheritance?
  • - 📝 General IS-A example
  • - 📝 Advantages of inheritance
  • - 📝 Implementation of inheritance
  • - 📝 Access modifiers (In Detailed) in Java
  • - 📝 Type of inheritance
  • - 📝 super keyword in Java
  • - 📝 super VS this keyword in Java
  • - 📝 Structure design program using inheritance
5. Polymorphism in Java
Show Subtopics
  • - 📝 What is polymorphism?
  • - 📝 Types of polymorphism
  • - 📝 Static polymorphism
  • - 📝 Dynamic polymorphism
  • - 📝 Downcasting in Java
  • - 📝 Important notes
  • - 📝 Method overloading Vs method overriding
6. Abstraction in Java
Show Subtopics
  • - 📝 What is abstraction?
  • - 📝 Abstraction in java collections
  • - 📝 Ways to achieve abstraction
  • - 📝 Abstraction using classes
  • - 📝 Abstraction using abstract class
  • - 📝 Abstraction using interface (new way to design strategy)
  • - 📝 Upcasting in abstraction
  • - 📝 Real world examples of abstraction
  • - 📝 Abstract class Vs interface
  • - 📝 Advantages of abstraction
  • - 📝 Achieve multiple inheritance using interface

Object-Oriented Analysis And Design Module I & II

This section covers topics related to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design in Java.

Topic PDF NOTES Read Articles
1. What is OOAD & Why OOAD? Link Link
2. Introduction To UML Link Link
3. UML Basic Notations Link Link
4. Types of UML Diagram Link Link
5. UML Use Case Diagram Link Link
6. UML Class Diagram Link Link
7. UML Sequence Diagram Link Link
8. UML Activity Diagram Link Link

I will provide Articles very soon

Object Oriented Design Principles - SOLID (Module-I & II)

Topic PDF NOTES Read Articles
1. What is SOLID Principles? Link Link
2. Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) Link Link
3. Open-Closed Principle (OCP) Link Link
4. Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP) Link Link
5. Interface Segregation Principle (ISP) Link Link
6. Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP) Link Link