Collects QC metrics from the BCCDC-PHL/routine-nanopore-qc pipeline. Outputs are supplied to the BCCDC-PHL Routine Nanopore QC site
usage: routine-nanopore-qc-collector [-h] [-c CONFIG] [--log-level LOG_LEVEL]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
--log-level LOG_LEVEL
routine-nanopore-qc-collector -c config.json
The tool takes a single config file, in json format. A config_template.json
is provided in this repo:
"analysis_by_run_dir": "/path/to/analysis_by_run",
"excluded_runs_list": "/path/to/excluded_runs.csv",
"known_species_list": "/path/to/known_species.csv",
"scan_interval_seconds": 3600,
"output_dir": "/path/to/routine-nanopore-qc-collector/data"